Our First Planted 412Ltr

Woah they're growing fast :blink: I don't want my plants to grow that quick if I get some, lol :shout:

Beautiful tank and set up, it looks like the one I'm waiting to arrive (that is a 150 x 45 x 60, 425 litre) so you're pictures are making me even more impatient :grr: but some good inspiration!

ive had loads of angels in the past to lay eggs but always have turned white or got eatin,
id love to get them to the wiggler stage but no lucj as of yet :no:

I am liking this, especially how you've framed the bare substrate. A good idea for better fish viewing. How are the angels doing with the gouramis?

thanks, the cories are usually swimming around in the sand in the middle,
the angels and gouramis are fine together, the gouramis are fully grown and the angels still have a long way to go but for now its all good :good:
ok going to do a rescape today so heres pics of before and ill put afters up when im finished


ugh all this crap

P14-05-10_09.1201.JPG lots of shoots on this, should we cut them off?

P14-05-10_09.11.JPG full tank shoot

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