Our 125gal Tank

Hmm.... another cory is dying.
After I took out most of the floating plants, I put the cories back in to the tank. Just found one at the top half dead. It wasn't out of the water, but it kept trying to swim higher up when I was trying to get it out. I put it in to the quarantine tank.... it's floating upside down right now, so not gonna be long before it's dead. Poor thing.
Dunno what the heck is wrong. Nothing looks wrong with it. It wasn't out of the water... sigh I don't know.
I wouldn't be surprised to find the other 2 dead or dying as well. UGH so frustrating!
Well... Heck, I thought that cory was dying but nope! It WAS floating upside down when I put it in to the Q tank. But now, it's acting and looks totally fine. WTH. Dang fish! Gonna keep it in the Q tank for now. Not sure what to do with it. *shrugs*

I'll get some photos of the tank tomorrow if I remember to. The hygro and water wisteria are going freaking crazy, specially the hygro in the back. It's INSANE how much it's grown.
Alrighty, so so far so good w/ the cory. I still check every day to see if it has gotten itself stuck up on the surface stuff. Dumb fish!
Bad news though, woke up, looked at the tank, nothing wrong. About 30mins ago, go back to the tank to feed fish, and there's one of the rainbowfish, dead! WTH??? Absolutely nothing was wrong with it physically. Looked like a normal fish, but there it was, dead dead dead. Nothing was wrong yesterday during the water change, I sat and watched the fish afterwards like I usually do, and all fish were acting just fine.
Maybe replace the 2 rainbows that have died so far with boesmani or turquoise ones or something.. *shrugs* BLEH! I mean it wouldn't be so bad if I actually knew why, but unexplained just makes me want to pull my hair out.

Anyways... photos I took last night... sigh.....

First up... the tiger lotus plants. 2 of them are doing really well.
This is the one in the left back corner. Hard to get a good photo of it, but it's grown lots of leaves so far.

And another that was moved to the front of the tank along w/ the 3rd one that's not doing as well.

Photo of the wisteria still growing like crazy. This is the really long one from the middle of the tank. I ended up just taking all of the freefloating stuff out b/c well.. there's plenty of surface stuff now from the planted plants :p
You can also see how the hygro is going absolutely crazy.

And a photo of one of the hygro. It is just insane how much growth is on this single plant. I should prune it some, but I like the wild look of it lol. I will trim it back eventually though. Specially if it looks like it's getting too much in the way of the fish. The tiger barbs seem to really like it all though... specially when they're sleeping at night.

Right side
As you can see, the jungle val in the back is growing pretty crazy as well.


Left side
A bit disappointed that the corkscrew val in the back isn't doing well. It was probably b/c of all of the floating plants blocking the light though. So hopefully now that's not a problem, they'll grow taller.

Full tank (most recent on top, just wanted to show a little bit of progression)



Thats maturing nicely mate, illl be honest with you, at the start i didnt like that castle thing i thought it spoiled the tank. But now, i really like the way your tanks going. :good:
Woo.... I'm back! Like anyone cares :p lol
Things have happened where I couldn't get on and update, but I'm here now.
The tank has gone through a bit of a run.
It got really crazy for a while. The hygro was just going absolutely crazy (as you can see in my previous posts).
Here's a photo of the tank when the hygro started to die off.

I don't know what the heck happened with the stuff. The little floating island at the top started to mainly consist of dead hygro leaves that were coming off. I'm still scratching my head over it b/c it was doing so so well.
Also the water sprite? that was in the middle, the stem that was leading to the gravel had died, and was being held on by just a thread basically. So I just took that up and started floating it. The floating stuff had gotten very thick a few times. Too thick and just blocked all of the light from the plants up under it. So a lot of the sword plants in that area aren't doing great. I've been keeping the floating stuff down to just a little bit though and that seems to be helping.

Uuuuuhm and yep... I'll post some more photos and talk about what's happened :D

So this is the left side of the tank where the floating stuff is. Pretty much looks the same as it did before, minus most of the hygro that was swaying over that way. Hopefully the swords will start to grow up some more and the lotus in the back will get bigger.

The middle. There's still a little bit of hygro left that's doing ok, but most of it died. The grassy stuff up front, the dwarf sag is doing pretty well though. And you can see to the right the jungle vallis is doing extremely well. It's leaves stretch across the entire tank.

And the right side. The water wisteria/sprite whatever it was that was over there started doing the same thing as the stuff on the left so I just uprooted it and let it float. The sword plants on this side of the tank are doing well as you can see. Also there is like a carpet of the wisteria growing in the back corner which is pretty weird since it hasn't grown upwards, but whatever.

Side view of the jungle vallis just to show how many leaves there are. Also see some algae growing on the anubias. That along with a little bit of brown stuff on the filter stuff is the only visible algae in the tank. (EDIT: Forgot the algae on the rocks hehe)

Just a shot of the 2 swords up front. They've grown up a good bit

And 2 fish shots. I was trying to get a shot of the loaches. Oh and speaking of fish, the killifish that was in the tank died :( It just stopped eating one day. Nothing physically wrong with it. Stayed that way for about 4 days and then I found it dead. I loved that fish. We want to get more if the store ever gets some bigger ones in.

And this is a shot of a loach that is in the tank that hasn't grown at all. I'm fairly certain it has a parasite of some kind, but I'm afraid to take it out of the tank (nm that I probably couldn't catch it without having to drain the tank and taking everything out). It swims around ok, acts like a healthy loach, but just looking at it, you can tell that it's not. Poor thing. I'm not sure what to do.

And a full tank shot :)
That full tank shot is just stunning!!
I've missed you D:! I as well have been mia.
But I must say, very nice!
Good to be back :D

I'll start updating on the tank like I used to. Well... maybe photos every couple of weeks or if something big happened.
If anyone has any ideas on what could've caused the hygro to die, I would love to hear it. The stuff we have now is ok, but nowhere near as great as it was before.
Just a quick post.... if I remember, I'll get some video of the tank tomorrow. Photos really don't do it justice, at least the fish anyway heh. I'll use the actual video camera instead of the regular camera to take it for hopefully better quality :)
So look for that tomorrow or Tuesday depending on how long it takes to upload!... and if I remember! :p
I can't get my jungle vals to grow :( What's your secret haha.
Crap! I keep forgetting to take a video of the tank! lol I'll try to remember tomorrow.

As for the jungle val. *shrugs* It looked kinda bad when we first got it, but it's grown tremendously well as you can see in the photos lol. No idea why.
Most of the other vallis in the tank hasn't done so great. I mean there are some that are ok, but a lot of it ended up losing leaves and dying. So *shrugs* Maybe being in front of the filter output has helped the jungle val?
i have to say amunet, i have been watching this topic for a while, and its really nice to see you sticking with the same tank

it really is looking wonderful!!
Thanks a bunch :)

So sorry I haven't posted up a video of the tank yet! I just keep forgetting about it.

Good news with that clown loach I was worried about. It has actually started growing! WOO! Not sure what was wrong with it before, but it's good to see it finally filling out.

We've also added 3 new golden panchax killifish. 2 males and 1 female. There was another female, but it died :( Never did find the body.
Uhm, hmm.. the jungle vallis is going absolutely crazy. It has spread everywhere on the side of the tank it's on. I'll try to remember to get photos of the tank as well.
Alrighty, as promised, video and some photos :)


Just did a water change so the clowns were hiding for the most part. Photos aren't too great. I was in a hurry when I took them.
The floating island is back. The stuff in the photos is what's left after I took out over half of it. It used to be wisteria, now it's all cabomba. *shrugs*






One of the bigger clowns in the tank. They're still little in comparison to old loaches of course, but they're sloooowly getting there heh. This ons is about 3.5inches long. There are 2 more that are just as big and then the rest are a little smaller.

The various anubias in the tank are doing extremely well. I should probably trim them but I'm afraid to mess with anything.

The jungle vallis is growing ALL over the place on the right side. Think I was trying to get a shot of a shoot that has found its way past the log that's in between it and the main val plant.

The main part of the jungle val isn't looking too great though. A few leaves have withered away before, but not like this. Not sure what's wrong, but probably has to do w/ the CO2 not mixing well. I need to clean the diffuser out and try to get it to stick properly. Right now all the CO2 is escaping in huge bubbles.

And that's it for now :)
Having a problem with BBA, but I think once I fix the little filter diffuser thing, it'll clear up.

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