Photos time! YAY! lol
Right side
The island of plants. I'm gonna have to thin this out. It's getting pretty crazy lol. Gonna see if DH's father wants any for his pond
The tiger lotus in the back left side. I'm not sure why this one is doing so much better than the other 2. Maybe it's getting more nutrients or something. *shrugs* It's grown 2 new leaves
I know it's always said not to get fish to solve algae problems, but dang... the pleco has done a freakin fantastic job! There's still some green spot algae here and there, but remembering how they looked before, these look like whole new plants lol.
Tall hygro going crazy. I should probably prune some of these plants, but I like how tall they are
And the middle water sprite, wisteria, whatever it is going crazy. It's couple feet long now. Looking at it, probably well over 2ft.
And yep, that's all for now
Everything is looking great so far. The swords that weren't looking too good have grown new leaves. Plants are actually starting to grow up now as you can see. All fish are doing great as far as I can tell lol. The clown loaches have been coming out a lot more recently which I'm happy about. Uhm.. and yep
Oh the vallis in my little vallis valley doesn't seem to be growing up. It actually looks like it's thinned some. The plants are still alive. BUt they're smaller now. *shrugs* The big jungle vallis in the back though is growing like crazy!
I know the tank looks pretty wild, and although I REALLY like that organized look to planted tanks, I do like the whole disheaveled thing going on with my own heh.