

Mar 7, 2004
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Cardiff, Wales
I'll (hopefully) be ordering my ottos tonight so they should be with me tomorrow.

I just wanted to ask - I've heard that they should be added to a tank with algae in it. The tank currently doesn't have algae but it is planted and I have a variety of algae wafers & tablets here as well as some of the other recommended "supplement" foods (zuchini, peas etc) avaliable to me.

Do you think I should wait until I get strong algae growth in the tank or would they be ok with the tablets etc?

Just spoke to the lovely people down at Trimar and they sold the last 5 yesterday (and I asked mum if I could order them yesterday morning! :X ) so I've got a bit more time to get ready for their arrival
How long has the tank been setup? Ottos need a fully established tank....and they LOVE algae!!
They would like some algae. what you could do is put some wood/stones in a jar of tank water, leave it on a sunny windowsill till it has grown some tasty green algae, then put the stones in for the ottos to feed off. then you can supplement the fresh algae with the wafers.
I didn't have any algae when I added my otos and they are grand. You could try and encourage a bit by leaving the light on a little longer. Also, even if you cannot see algae, it does not mean it is not there. Like if you slide your finger along soething and it's slimy or slidyish.

Good luck with your otos, they are great little guys!! :nod:
jumpman: they're for my smaller tank which has been running since late May now. The filter is well established though as I'm using the smaller of the filters that was in my larger tank.

cluttery: hey, that sounds like a good idea with the stones :) I think I might try that.

cheese: the tank light is left on quite late as it is (like yesterday I forgot about it and it ended up staying on till 2am) but I usually keep the curtains closed until around 1pm in the fish room. Should I leave the curtains open as well to encourage growth?
I can't see any algae on the sides of my tank, but my oto still sucks on it so there is probably a thin layer which I cannot see.

It sounds like your tank will make a great home for the otos, when they arrive. Good luck with them :thumbs:
after further inspection it turns out I do have a nice layer of clear algae on my glass.

gotta wait 2 weeks to get the lil fellas now :D

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