Otto's With Discus


Fish Fanatic
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
Adelaide, Australia

I have heard that Otto's are very usefully in keeping the aquarium glass clean. I also have heard some stories of these latching onto Discus. :huh: I was wondering if anyone has pro's and con's for Ottos with Discus.

As a side, how many would you reccommend to have in an aquarium. I have a Aqua One Aquagrande' 150 375L

I think some plecs would do a better job, as they are alot bigger than oto's.

is there any reason why you want oto and not normal plecs?
i think this is a bit farfetched as with most cons in the fish world
i think this is a bit farfetched as with most cons in the fish world

Not really, algae-eating catfish latching onto Discus can be a serious problem and source of stress to the Discus
A friend of mine kept the 2 together and the oto's were always latching onto the discus to the extent that he had to remove the oto's.
A think there is always a risk when keeping these kinds of fish with discus, although I believe bristlenoses are one of the better species to keep with dicus?
Hopefully someone can either confirm or deny this for me though
It appears that there were trolls posting on this thread. When I moved their posts I also had to remove a few others with them. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused.

I'll be moving this thread to the Plecos and other Loricariids so please resume the discussion.
Ottos are a 50-50 rating for success with Discus. Some will latch, others will not. Bristlenose plecs are supposed to be fine. I have L66 with mine, no problems :nod:

All the best
bn;s ,l104,l66,l260 plecs are all fine with discus from a personal side

i wudnt recommend ottos

Please note that the L66 and L260 are primarily carnivores and won't do much in the way of algae control. A bristlenose should munch on any algae; I can't speak for the L104.

soz never noticed he was after it for algae
I just found this tread going through the new posts link :lol:
I lost it and couldn't find it :blush:

Thanks for the feed back, yes I only want them for the algae cleaning, and was more concerned about keepin the glass semi reasonable between cleans. I'm not sure about plecs? I thought that most plecs eventually get quite large.
Any other recommendations for an algae eater for the glass?
I just found this tread going through the new posts link :lol:
I lost it and couldn't find it :blush:

Thanks for the feed back, yes I only want them for the algae cleaning, and was more concerned about keepin the glass semi reasonable between cleans. I'm not sure about plecs? I thought that most plecs eventually get quite large.
Any other recommendations for an algae eater for the glass?

bristlenose is ur best bet grown maximum to 5"
I just found this tread going through the new posts link :lol:
I lost it and couldn't find it :blush:

Thanks for the feed back, yes I only want them for the algae cleaning, and was more concerned about keepin the glass semi reasonable between cleans. I'm not sure about plecs? I thought that most plecs eventually get quite large.
Any other recommendations for an algae eater for the glass?

bristlenose is ur best bet grown maximum to 5"


How many bristlenose would you recommend for a 5' tank, I'm already going to have 5 SAE in the tank.
I just found this tread going through the new posts link :lol:
I lost it and couldn't find it :blush:

Thanks for the feed back, yes I only want them for the algae cleaning, and was more concerned about keepin the glass semi reasonable between cleans. I'm not sure about plecs? I thought that most plecs eventually get quite large.
Any other recommendations for an algae eater for the glass?

bristlenose is ur best bet grown maximum to 5"


How many bristlenose would you recommend for a 5' tank, I'm already going to have 5 SAE in the tank.

i wudnt get that many sae's

wat else is in tank at the moment??
I just found this tread going through the new posts link :lol:
I lost it and couldn't find it :blush:

Thanks for the feed back, yes I only want them for the algae cleaning, and was more concerned about keepin the glass semi reasonable between cleans. I'm not sure about plecs? I thought that most plecs eventually get quite large.
Any other recommendations for an algae eater for the glass?

bristlenose is ur best bet grown maximum to 5"


How many bristlenose would you recommend for a 5' tank, I'm already going to have 5 SAE in the tank.

i wudnt get that many sae's

wat else is in tank at the moment??

Zippo in the tank at the moment. Stock will be as below as I'm getting them from a guy at work who is getting rid of his tank.

I was told that SAE's preffer to be in a group, in a different post I did.

Stock List

6 Discus, largest about 150mm rest between 100mm and 130mm :drool:

4 Clown Loach, 1about 150mm the rest 100mm

3 Bronze Catfish

1 Pepper Catfish

12 ish Rummy Nose Tetra

20 ish Cardinal Tetras

10 ish mixed Tetras

There arn't any algae eaters which I deffinily want to help keep the tank clean. The guy I'm getting the fish from has minimal plants where mine is heavily planted so the more algae eaters the better. WIth stock levels in mine of course! :nod:

I will also be getting a group of sterbai Cory. And I guess a bristle nose or 2.


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