

Apr 10, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
This morning at approx 5:45 AM, I fed all my fish.
Surprise surprise. :p
Anyways, for some reason I dropped a brine shrimp pellot in my oto's "only" tank, meaing to drop in a peice of an algae wafer.
When I got home I checked and it was gone.
Now, to my knowledge, oto's are omnivores, however, after some research I have come across an article which states that a certain fellows oto's ate "live bloodworms".
Im going to conduct a bit of an experiment and see if my oto's, in this paticular tank will in fact eat something other than greens.

Has anyone had, or heard of this happening?

Heres part of the quote:

"....They ate live Bloodworm. Yes, you read that correctly, some of my Otocinclus ate live Bloodworm. Consequently, I've had to add this update as a revision of the comments above. I have photographs of them eating live Bloodworm, although to be fair, they do not exhibit this trait on a regular basis. Be advised, however, that they will eat live foods of various kinds if these are resting upon the bottom substrate. This leads me to conclude that in the wild, Otocinclus are best described as 'Aufwuchs feeders': the German word Aufwuchs is used to describe algal mats that also contain within the algal matrix a population of small animal organisms that either browse the algae, or feed upon each other."

This comes as no surprise.
Otos, like other plec species will eat whatever they can find in addition to their normal diet.
Live or frozen bloodworm, or carnivore pellets are an ideal occasional suppliment to their otherwise vegatarian eating habits.

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