Otos With Gold Nugget?


Jan 11, 2005
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I have three little otos that I'd like to move from their 10 gallon home into the 38 gallon which needs them. (It's in a room with very bright - but indirect light and grows soft green algae quickly.)

I have a gold nugget in the tank. According to Planet Catfish, gold nuggets can be territorial to bottom dwellers -- although mine does not bother the cories even when they swim near, on and around him.

Will he be ok with the otos, too?
Someone may have, I hope, a more definitive answer. I can only say that since your Gold Nugget doesn't worry about the cories I would be surprised if the ottos bothered him. They seem very non threatening and unobtrusive to everyone. The ottos and cories I have in my main tank co-exist quite peacefully. And ottos are so danged fast I can't imagine the pleco could catch them anyways, but of course I could be wrong and I'd hate to see him chasing them. Hope somebody can tell you for sure. It might be that the character of your gold nugget is such that he'll get along fine with the ottos whereas other pleco's of the same type might not. I've seen vastly different characters in Bettas, some tolerating other tank mates, others not, so maybe in plecos too? :huh: I'll be interested to hear others weigh in on this one. :nod:
snowyzmom is right, each individual pleco is different...some plecos that are said to be peaceful can be aggressive, and visa versa...it just depends...however, the only thing id worry about with your nugget, is that compared to an otto, nuggets get large 8" or so, and baryancistrus have large mouths, large enough to fit over an otto (lips and all..mouth is not large enough to swallow an otto)...but since your nugget doesn't seem to bother your other bottom dwellers, it shouldn't be too much of a problem...like snowyzmom said, ottos are very quick, and they aren't ones to stick around to become a rag toy to another fish...you can give it a try, just keep an eye on the ottos around the nugget for a while...plecos can be aggressive to other plecos, and nuggets are known for being territorial...just keep a close watch...hope this helps


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