

New Member
Sep 2, 2009
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I bought 2 otos last weekend and put them in the quarantine tank with an algae tab, seaweed and a cucumber slice. They sucked everything, but the food. The smaller, skinnier [but I did not feel too thin] just died. I am aware that they are often hard to keep alive and die within the first week, but I am frustrated. I feel like I gave them good options, and I do not want to loose the other one. What can I do to ensure that he eats right and adapts ok? I sit just hit or miss, or was there something I could have done better?
dont buy anymore...if you want to keep these you must have algaes in the tank that they can eat (soft green types)
algae wafers arent a very good substitute
I do have algae in my aquarium, and have not cleaned it in preparation for the otos. However, I had read that the best thing to do for your aquarium is to quarantine a fish before putting all the aquarium fish at risk. And I also saw in several places that was an ideal time to fatten up the oto on veggies, etc. Apparently you do not agree?
IMO, veggies arent as good as the real thing.

ive never quarantined a freshwater fish, and in 8 years ive never had a single disease, the chances of it arent very high...if it were me i would make an exception and i wouldnt quarantine ottos due to the fact that theyve got a better chance of survival by going straight into the main tank.
I put my otto's straight into the main tank, out of 6 I have three left, I knew that I may loose some, sad but the three I have left are doing really well, all I see them eating is the Algae and once when I put a piece of apple in they had a go at that. I've had mine over a year now and love watching them dart around the tank. When I get a bigger tank I would seriously think about getting more.
My otos have never ever shown any interest in any type of food whatsoever other than the algae in the tank,atleast around here(maine u.s.a.) everyone says they do not eat anything other than algae but I think maybe it's just the ones we get or something because I've heard people on this site talk about feeding them veggies.......If your quarantine tank has no algae or is not as well established as your main tank I'd consider skipping the quarantine and going right for the main tank,also I'd get more than 2 if your stocking allows,I believe they do better when they have more company.
Interesting about the quarantining, so, do any of you quarantine? Is it the right thing to do in any situation?, or just more stressful? I actually moved the other oto the same day the other one passed away because I was concerned about his fate. He has been really enjoying the aquarium. I just noticed that a large quart rock I have has been cleaned better than I ever could have! He has just now discovered the joys hidden between the leaves of the plants.
I do not quarantine,but I'm also very,very picky about where i get my fish and what conditions they come out of......it is a risk to do so I suppose but I've always gone this way.
ive never had a problem with otos in my tanks. make sure you keep lots of live plants and some wood in with them to grow plenty of soft algae. ive tried veggies with them. they ignored it. but then again their is enough more natural algae for them to eat. some people will take a rock and put it in a jar of tankwater on the windowsill and culture algae for their otos.

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