Otocinclus Vittatus' Ideal Diet


Fish Herder
May 27, 2009
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I recently purchased two Otocinclus vittatus (Dwarf suckermouth) for my planted aquarium as some green/brown algae was starting to get out of control and thick on the aquarium's glass.

They are very efficient at removing the algae but I'm a bit concerned that purely eating algae is not an ideal diet for them.

Based on their behaviour, they seem very disinterested in interacting with me or looking for food offerings so if I was to try and give them a different food how would I get them to eat it bearing in mind the fact that food should be eaten rather quickly or removed in the aquarium?

Add boiled vegetables or algae wafers to the tank and leave in (not forever of course), overnight maybe? (thats what I do anyway).
Oh ok. Have you ever had a water quality issue after leaving food in over night?

I'll see if I can find something compact and which takes a while to break down if I am to try that.
3-4 mm slice of boiled courgette. maybe even tied to some cotton and lowered down the inside of the glass where they are more likely to find it...

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