Oto Like Sucker Fish.


Fish Fanatic
Mar 4, 2006
Reaction score
New Jersey, America
I didn't catch the exact name of it but they look like an oto but colors contrast more and they are a bit longer, maybe a tad shorter than a giant oto and the head is a little more pointed rather than a shovel like the oto.
I did notice at my LFS that they have these guys and regular otos swimming around in the tanks for they're plants, so I assume they're ok together. I already have an oto, but i want a slightly more active sucker fish. My oto isn't very active when there's lots of hiding spots and these guys are about as active as my tetras.
I couldn't find anything in the fish acrhives here.

Could be chinese algae eaters often sold as sucking loaches. Theres a profile on them on the main page. Avoid them as they don't make good community fish. If your tank is big enough a bristlenose plec would get on with otos.

Emma :)
I've had bad experience with plecos, but I do like common plecos. It's a 29g, so plenty of room. Guess I'll just stick with a small group of otos. Thanks

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