Oto Advice Needed...

My son has a 20 gal tank that came with a number of fish, including a fairly big Otocinclus. She was never shy, always attached to a plant leaf or the glass, out front like she didn't fear anything. We added 3 small Otos from the local pet store and they immediately began eating, out in the open since the day we got them. They never hide and they're always looking to eat. That tank has hardly any algae of any type whatsoever. In fact I'm supplementing the lack of algae by "growing" some on round rocks that I can add and remove so they always have something to eat. The tank is overcrowded too, we were complete novices.

I just can't believe the replies to this thread that make it seems like these guys aren't social. Mine are the exact opposite, outgoing, and even a bit pushy with the other tank mates. I've seen them bump the neons & glowlights if they get too close. They have no fear of the 2½" long Gold Gourami or the 3 inch long Molly.
Otos dont eat ALL types of green algae. As mentioned by one of the other posters if it is green spot algae on the glass (which is where it normally grows) they wont touch it. They eat soft filimentous green algea. Probably why they enjoy hanging on the rocks, which often grows this type.
Try increasing flow around the tank if you dont want algae. And shorten the photoperiod. Just getting more otos is not going to solve the issue of them hanging on the rocks and caves. There will just be more otos is all. I wouldnt recommend getting more as they are poo MACHINES and will add tremendously to the bioload in the tank. Hopfully you are supplementing their diet and not just relying on algae in the tank. Often there is not enough algae (of the right type) for these fish to thrive, unless you have loads of live broad leaved plants or lots of algae covered rocks.
just my thoughts. I love otos but sometimes they are tricky to keep and keep them healthy. Again I would not recommend getting any more.
Will these otos help with my algae problem on my plants?

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