If you think they are happy and you don't want to spend like $800 bucks on a new tank that's your decision. You just have to remember man it comes down to your decision and that's all that matters.
Cause yeah, you know, fish can tell you fish they are happy and it's your decision if you want to keep them in bad condition. I'm just going to say this. And its a true story.
Skal doesn't care about your fish. Barely cares about his own. Had the displeasure of speaking with him in chat. It was quite....disturbing. Someone who believes that stunting is not cause by ill tank conditions, and that fish truly only grow as big as you let them. Doesn't realize that internal organs do keep growing and eventually the fish dies, much earlier than it should. Sad to say, stunting is a pretty painful process. And yes, contrary to Skal's belief, fish do feel pain.
Ever watched those comercials from the ASPCA about animal cruelty? The sad look in the dogs and cats eyes who came from abusive neglectful homes? Unfortunately fish cannot really give us those looks. I wish they could.I wouldn't have made so many mistakes years ago. But the truth is, fish do feel pain, and two Tigers in a 55g will evetually feel pain. The typical 55g is a foot wide. Oscars top out at 13-16 inches in proper condition. 12 inches wide isn't enough for them to turn around! And while it is true that fish only get as big as you let them, that is only true for the out shell. Imagine being a 4ft tall human being with the insides of a 7 foot man. Sounds painful, right? Well, imagine being a 6 inch oscar with the insides of a 12 inch fish! It would hurt equally as bad. Now I don't know what knowledge trip Skal is on about, but I recommend you listen to those that truly do care, and Skal has already shown to me that he does not. Rant over.