

Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2009
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how long could i keep a 5cm oscar in a 70 litre tank,
i want to introduce another one to my tank but at 5cm he is to small, so wanted to grow him a bit more before i put him in the big tank, but the only other tank i have is a 70 litre one.
I found oscars to grow fast so i'd say not very long but i'm not a expert with oscars :sad:
70 litre, thats way too small iam sorry to say, if you was to,id say a week at most, if desperate, when you say a big tank, how big is the other one? for two oscars you going to need a minimum of 150us 5/2/2ft....

Even then, when full grow which can be done in less than a year, if they dont like each other,you will need to re-home

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