Oscars And Green Terrors


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2008
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Does anyone here keep the 2 of them together? If so how does it work out. I want another fish in with my oscar, but he hates other oscars. Doesn't seem to mind anything else. I was thinking of either a green terror, a severum, a blue acara, or a JD but I like the terrors the best. Any thoughts? The tank is a 70g. Oh and my oscar is rather aggressive, not at all a passive one.
im pretty sure peter22uk keep them both together BUT i could be wrong they could have seperate tanks, so either pm him or wait till he come on here, unfortunatly my "angel"turned out the same, hes fine with,plecs,clown loaches, but will not abide another oscar in there
I wouldn't try it in a 70 gallon, it can work but would need a bigger tank I think.
ya, prob do need a bigger tank, but depending on what size your oscar is, you could try getting a Juve GT... if the o doesn't see the other fish as a threat... it most often will not even pay any attention to it....

for example, I have two juve sevs in with my adult male JD.... the only time he pays any attention is during feeding... which happens with all animals.... but I also have them in a 125G tank... so they have a little more room to run if they need to unlike your GT would have in the 70G...

Make sure the GT would be big enough as well... dont want the new addition ending up in the oscars mouth as many things do... especially since the spikes on the dorsal fin of the GT could lodge it in the oscars throught and possibly killing both fish.

Ox :good:
I guess the only thing is try it and see. My oscar is not easy going so I'm not too worried about the GT harassing it. My oscar is also 10" and really only hates other oscars. I have a 2.5" sajica in with him and he doesn't pay it any attention.
What are the dimensions of the 70 gallon tank? I think it will be cramped with an oscar, a sajica and a GT in there. Also the attitude of the GT may influence things, even if your oscar and sajica are peaceful, the GT may be aggressive (don't call them terrors for nothing).
IMO you have no room for a GT or similar
The only other tankmate i would maybe add would be some kind of plec or catfish or bichir
Yeah, as much as I want one, I'm going to pass on the GT for now.

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