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Fish Addict
Aug 11, 2003
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Are there any fish that i can put in my tank and won't be killed by my large but slow oscar? apart from a pleco which i have already got. I put in a cigar shark about 6" long and the oscar would sneak up from behind and try to snap at it. I seperated the two and returned the shark fish.
Ne suggestions would be appreciated, cheers!
Unfortunately, imo, Oscars are one of the hardest fish to get dithers or other fish to live successfully with.

Oscars grow so big and anything small enough to fit in their mouth will be eaten if they can catch them and within the confines of an aquarium that will usually happen. On the other hand, Oscars aren't as aggro as most fish their size and they will either get bullied or killed by some South American fishes and most Central American cichlids.

What size tank do you have and what filtration and other fish do you have so far?

Do you want another fish that grows to a bigger size also that can live cohabitate with your Oscar or are you looking for dither fish?

I'll be more sure of tank mates once I know filtration, tanks size, etc and what you are looking for, but I think GT's (Green Terrors), Jack Dempsey's and that size/aggro will work out best. Now there are some GT's and JD's that will be too much for an Oscar and I'm just generalizing here.

If you want dithers you could try Giant Danios or even better, Silver Dollars.

PLease give tank specs etc though.
Alien Anna said:
holidayinn said:
Are there any fish that i can put in my tank and won't be killed by my large but slow oscar?
Another oscar? :lol:
LOL, yep that would work. :lol:

I was afraid to mention that until I found out tank size and filtration since O's are so messy, but you couldn't be more correct. :D
I have my Oscar with a Green Terror, a Pink Convict and a Stripped Convict. The Oscar ate my smaller Pink Convict just this past weekend. He hasn't messed with the other Cons, the GT is just slightly smaller than the Oscar so he doesn't mess with him either. I also have 5 sumatra (tiger) barbs that he likes to chase alot but he hasn't been able to catch one yet. They are fast and have plenty of cover they can head for. I wanted to get an even larger Albino Oscar to put in the tank with them but the LFS owner isn't ready to sell him just yet. I could have bought him 2 weeks ago, but since then he's moved him into a larger community tank and wants to observe him longer since he's become more aggresive since the move. So we'll see if I get him or not. Its hard to find good tank mates for Oscars because they can be so tempermental. Good luck! And for sure, don't get anything that can fit in his mouth because it will just look like dinner to the Oscar!
Thanks for the suggestions

tank is a 48"*12"*24"

fluvel 4 interior filter

i heard from my lfs that putting another oscar was not a good idea as they may fight one another

the pleco is about 8" long, the shark was quite big but the oscar still tried to snap at it should i have given them more time in the tank? i left them in for about 10 mins together

i am not to bothered about the size of fish, i just don't want to have to get rid of the oscar to get other fish in the tank

I live in the UK, are the fish suggested widely available for lfs's?

I have no idea what availability is like there since I live in the US. They are very available here, but doesn't do you any good! Sorry...........
Like missyintx_99, I also live in the US and have no idea about any availability of anything in other Countries, so can't help there.

fluvel 4 interior filter
I've never used or heard of this filter. Do you mean one of the 04 series filters?

i heard from my lfs that putting another oscar was not a good idea as they may fight one another

Sometimes that can happen but most of the time they'll be fine. IME, they aren't as aggro as most cichlids of their size. My Aunt bred Oscars for years and looking back I can't remember any problems. I think a 75g might be pushing it for 2 full grown Oscars though.

the shark was quite big but the oscar still tried to snap at it should i have given them more time in the tank? i left them in for about 10 mins together
Not sure what this is. I only know 2 species of fish known as cigar shark. One is the "cookie cutter" shark which is saltwater (and obviously not the one you had) and Leptobarbus hoevenii, also known as red-finned cigar shark. If it is L. hoevenii then you did the right thing to take it back. They like to school and it's best to have 6-7 of them together. They also get 20" or so and need at least a 180g tank as they love to swim and move around. In normal circumstances with a cichlid, it has to be left in the tank longer than 10 minutes tho so it can become acclimated. I think any fish you put in there will be considered food for the Oscar at first until the new fish can get used to territories and the lay of the land, if you will.

i am not to bothered about the size of fish, i just don't want to have to get rid of the oscar to get other fish in the tank

You shouldn't have to. I mentioned some options, both large and dithers above that should work for you. I do recommend getting another filter though to coincide with what you have. I never use just 1 filter for cichlids and always use 2 and in some tanks 3. Another good filter if you don't want to put out the money for a canister yet is an Emperor 400. I swear by them and think it's the best you can get.

Are you looking to add another big fish in there or do you want to have just 1 big fish and dithers like Silver Dollars etc?
I think you'll need an additional filter - get an eheim external - professional or classic should do it and run both filters together - O's are messy eaters. I wouldn't get anything else for a 4' tank - just the O.

BTW - the fish the others mentioned are readily available in the UK - but I think your tank is too small to have anything else than 1 O in it.
tank is a 48"*12"*24"

If this is 48"L X 12"W X 24"H then IMO it is also to small for an ADULT oscar!!

Oscars at the very least can get to 12" and very often larger than that.

A tank that is only 12" wide has not got enough turn around room IMO for an oscar!!

Also if it is 48"L X 24"W X 12"H this too is to small IMO!!

Oscars are deep bodied fish and need a tank that is at least 20" high IMO.

Please keep in mind these are JMO's, but are based on many years of keeping oscars off and on and are also based on the eventual adult size your oscar will reach!!

I do agree with Andyman1 however that the tank is too small to house any other fish with the oscar

i have two oscars, one jackdempsey, and one texas cichlid together. they all get along fine.
I Have 2 29 Gallon Fish Tanks With Oscars Set Up In Them.Usally When I want To add Some New Ones I Buy Some Feeders And Dump Them In .Than I Add The Other Fish While They Are Chasing The Feeders.This Seems To Work Quite Well.Than Usally They Leave The New Fish Alone.My One Tank Is Set Up With 5"Ocars 2Albino Oscars,2Tiger Oscars,1 Red tail Shark About 6' Long 1 percosomus About 8'Long as I Put A Smaller one In And They Killed It.Plus A Pair North American Cillets .Every Thing Seems To Get Along Now.I know Sooner Or Later Its Gonna Get Time For Bigger Tanks

The Other Tank Is Set Up With 3" Oscars This One Has 2 Albino,2 Blueberry 2 Red Oscars,1 Red tail Shark,2percosomus,2Albino Bottom Cleaners'Plus A Silver Shark

Wife And I Have A Lot Of Fun With Them,We Hand FeedThem,They Are Great Relaxation Just To Sit And Watch Them.

Welcome to the forum, nsdftopdog.

I have to say that a 29g is way too small for a single Oscar let alone a group of them. I would get at least a 75g for a single or a pair. For more than 2 you'll probably have to go up to a 125g, imo.
silver sharks, rainbow fish, tinfoil barbs thats all i can think of oh chinese aligie eaters and plecos but he will grow very big and the tanks a bit small for him

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