
The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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I had a friend who kept a large aquatic frog in a tank with one oscar and one Jack dmepsey.
nsdftopdog said:
I Have 2 29 Gallon Fish Tanks With Oscars Set Up In Them.Usally When I want To add Some New Ones I Buy Some Feeders And Dump Them In .Than I Add The Other Fish While They Are Chasing The Feeders.This Seems To Work Quite Well.Than Usally They Leave The New Fish Alone.My One Tank Is Set Up With 5"Ocars 2Albino Oscars,2Tiger Oscars,1 Red tail Shark About 6' Long 1 percosomus About 8'Long as I Put A Smaller one In And They Killed It.Plus A Pair North American Cillets .Every Thing Seems To Get Along Now.I know Sooner Or Later Its Gonna Get Time For Bigger Tanks

The Other Tank Is Set Up With 3" Oscars This One Has 2 Albino,2 Blueberry 2 Red Oscars,1 Red tail Shark,2percosomus,2Albino Bottom Cleaners'Plus A Silver Shark
Hmmm, just thinking of 29 gal tanks cramped with all those oscars makes me cringe. I hope you are planning to upgrade to about 2 180 gal tanks and soon.

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