I haven't read the whole thread. But has anyone suggested ox heart. Freeze it and then grate it on a cheese grater. I have never had an Oscar turn its nose up at that.
No they havent but I could try it. Between this forum and the monster fish forum I'm getting alot of I should wait a while because he is 10-12" long so he can go a while without. But I'll give it a tryI haven't read the whole thread. But has anyone suggested ox heart. Freeze it and then grate it on a cheese grater. I have never had an Oscar turn its nose up at that.
By right Hikari food should be fine.Currently using hakari cichlid pellets because that's what the store was feeding him. It's the only thing he is moderately interested in. I would prefer he eat the hakari frozen blood worms and brine shrimp that we feed the rest of our fish but he just isnt interested in that. At least with the pellets he shows some interest but just spits them out