Oscar wont eat?

By right, all scaleless fish like Plecos and Corydoras are sensitive to salt and most medications.

But if you read other fish forums, you will find people with different experiences(both positive and negative) when they used salt in their tank that have Plecos and Corydoras.

Anyway, if you want to do a dip, the suggestion from the website is 1 tablespoon of salt for 1 gallon of water. Dip for 15mins.

You can read here for more information.
Epsom salt can increase your water hardness as it contains Magnesium sulfate but will be fine for short period.
Fish from hard water will have no problem with Epsom salt.

I would prefer to use Epsom salt only as a bath, not in the tank itself.

Any brand of Epsom salt is ok.
This isn't true. Brands which contain colouring, perfume etc should not be used; only brands which are pure Epsom salt with nothing else added are safe.
I would prefer to use Epsom salt only as a bath, not in the tank itself.

This isn't true. Brands which contain colouring, perfume etc should not be used; only brands which are pure Epsom salt with nothing else added are safe.
That's what we were talking about. Unscented and no dye
I would prefer to use Epsom salt only as a bath, not in the tank itself.

This isn't true. Brands which contain colouring, perfume etc should not be used; only brands which are pure Epsom salt with nothing else added are safe.
Where did you buy your Epsom salt?
If you buy from LFS, you won't have this issue.

But if you buy from supermarket, then you have to check the ingredients.
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Where did you buy your Epsom salt?
If you buy from LFS, you won't have this issue.

But if you buy from supermarket, then definitely you have to check the ingredients.
It is equate epsom salt. The ingredients say it is 100% magnesium sulfate which is the salt. I looked everywhere to make sure it had nothing else in it.
That's good. So many shops in the UK sell perfumed Epsom salts for putting in bath water to help you relax.

I've never seen Epsom salt in a fish store here. They do sell API aquarium salt but that's all.
That's good. So many shops in the UK sell perfumed Epsom salts for putting in bath water to help you relax.

I've never seen Epsom salt in a fish store here. They do sell API aquarium salt but that's all.
Yes, you are right.
Epsom salt is not so commonly sold.
I guess the market is small.
Most LFS sells only the normal salt.

But the Epsom salt is many times cheaper at my LFS than those sold at pharmacies. Those at pharmacies are of high grade Epsom salt.
This isn’t going to be everybody’s cup of tea but I’d go and buy a few tetra .... if they live there’s something wrong with your Oscar lol
You are lucky having an LFS that sells it :)
In the States, you can buy pure Epsom salt practically anywhere....my wife buys pails of it at Walmart, to soak in the tub, no perfumes or anything, just pure Epsom salt
This isn’t going to be everybody’s cup of tea but I’d go and buy a few tetra .... if they live there’s something wrong with your Oscar lol
I have tried some little feeder fish already... he wasnt interested in them
That's good. So many shops in the UK sell perfumed Epsom salts for putting in bath water to help you relax.

I've never seen Epsom salt in a fish store here. They do sell API aquarium salt but that's all.
Ya I did the epsom salt bath and i also did an aquarium salt bath while I added sand to the bottom of the tank. That seems to have calmed him down a bit. I havent seen him dart around the tank today like he has been. But he does this thing where he shakes his body and tail for a moment and then resumes swimming around like normal
By the way, what brand of fish food are you using for your Oscar?
I did experience once where I suspected the fish food caused the constipation with my fish but I have forgotten the brand name.
Some cheap fish food can cause problem to the fish.

Usually if the fish refused to eat for a long time, it means it has internal infection and the digestive system(bowel) is clogged.
The internal infection is caused either by worms, protozoa or/and bacteria [Colin used to write a comprehensive explanation on this issue].
By the way, what brand of fish food are you using for your Oscar?
I did experience once where I suspected the fish food caused the constipation with my fish but I have forgotten the brand name.
Some cheap fish food can cause problem to the fish.

Usually if the fish refused to eat for a long time, it means it has internal infection and the digestive system(bowel) is clogged.
The internal infection is caused either by worms, protozoa or/and bacteria [Colin used to write a comprehensive explanation on this issue].
Currently using hakari cichlid pellets because that's what the store was feeding him. It's the only thing he is moderately interested in. I would prefer he eat the hakari frozen blood worms and brine shrimp that we feed the rest of our fish but he just isnt interested in that. At least with the pellets he shows some interest but just spits them out

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