oscar trade in


Cichlid KING
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
north pole
well as some of you may already know, i have a tiger oscar, he is 3 inches long, and agressive as sin. the lady at one of my lfs said she would take him on trade for a reasonable price, i would trade it for a blood parrot and pay her a lil extra. what do u think is a reasonable price? and do u think i should go for it? i am having a hard time trying to let the poor guy go, but he gonna get too big for may tank of cichlids, plus i want more fish os ya?????
Depends on how much he is worth, look at her price for oscars then take away 70-80% what would you plan on getting?
I personally dont really enjoy my parrots compared to the cichlids. I trades in 30 mollies for them...now I would trade them pack for them. I would trade him in for a nice south American catfish...either pleco or pictus. But thats just me :p
I would say trade him as he will soon outgrow the 55 gallon accomadation you have provided him with. 1 Oscar alone should be kept in a minimum of a standard 75 gallon tank. I know its hard to let go of "that fish you like" but it is most likely better for the fish.
bshockstubb said:
I personally dont really enjoy my parrots compared to the cichlids. I trades in 30 mollies for them...now I would trade them pack for them. I would trade him in for a nice south American catfish...either pleco or pictus. But thats just me :p
parrots are cichlids man ;) ... and vip... wouldnt the fish be worth more than what she is selling hers for becuase he is twice the size? just my two cents, ill see what she says, and i am thinking aobut trading for a blood parrot. JB, i ahve heard many things that oscar can live very comfortably in a 55 gallon tank, its all about the oscar too, mine is the messiest lil thing in the world ! lol, but i think i am going to get the parrot and trade the oscar. espeically becuase he is bullying my other fish. any reasons not to, or to trade the fish anyone?
fufanu360 said:
... wouldnt the fish be worth more than what she is selling hers for becuase he is twice the size?
Not necessarily...most people like to buy the smaller size fish and watch them grow. A larger fish in a LFS will likely be there for a while, eat more food than a smaller fish would, produce more waste, etc.

Be thankful that you have a LFS that will take large fish back at all, many won't do that.
I think it's a good trade, around here I can get an oscar for like 6 bucks, and a parrot costs about 25 dollars :eek: Parrots are shy at first though, so make sure you look at them closely and pick the healthiest and curious one out of the bunch. Have fun :D
yeah, i have desided to trade the litle guy :sad: i jsut gotta wait for his finage to grow back (darn cichlids). and oscar here are 15.00$ canadian, and parrots are 40$ canadian, i saw a breeding pair in one lfs for $150, tempting, but i didnt have enough cha ching for those puppies.

i jsut want to get rid of the oscar becuase he is bullying my other cichlids and i could have more nicer fish in the tank wihtout him soo.. thanks everyone
i ahve heard many things that oscar can live very comfortably in a 55 gallon tank
Yah thats wat i thought min size for an oscar was to. I would keep him and sell all ur other fish. thats just cuz i like oscars alot tho even tho ive never had one . :p
yeah.... i could keep him, but i dont really want just a species tank, so0 i will keep the other fish, i agree oscars are very fun and cool to keep, but after a while, he gets really frustrating. all he does is grump around, eat, lay a hunge crap, eat some more, torture everythign in his path, and then sleep..... i would like to keep him, but i have to let the guy go :sad:

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