Oscar Help Needed & Asap

hi!, my oscar has been really aggresive to my other fish in my signature and will eat my other fish such as the eels and black ghost knife since they r really small

so i put him in a bag and let some freshwater in and out like every 4 hours

he looked sick and was gasping for air so i took him out and put him in the tank and now hes just breathing really slow and not moving i tested some food and he fefused to eat it so i just let him be

what will i do!!

I had my gourami do the same thing and it died a few days later it ended up having a horrible sickness. :(
mate theres something wrong with your head!!

monthly water changes? would you be happy to have the toilet in your house flushed only on a monthly basis?? but actually your lucky you dont live in t

the way you are treating your fish is bloody appalling and as you can see is really annoying the majority of us, we have tried to help and i swore i wouldnt come back to this thread, but i was interested to see if he had been returned/homed yet

if you leave it any longer youll have a dead fish on your hands, and your concience as youve done bugger all to help him, i would throw the towel in on the hobby right now, with your attitude you will never have success.

if you dont like my attitude.. i dont care!
my fish are well looked after and i MAKE time to do water changes, so yes i have a moral high ground on this one!

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