Oscar Dilema

Wills near fell off the seat when i read you'd lost your Choc and Winemilleri, what happened ? Not a nice feeling when you loose big guys.

I honestly dont know :( I had a disease in one Geo - he basically looked like he had something stuck in his gill so assumed that then a second went the same so I guessed gill flukes (I had just added a new Nicaraguan) but the meds did nothing, then my choc got ill and his gills and throat went a milky white - then my last geo went ill and died a few days later - the meds seemed not to help the fish but touch wood a few weeks of dosing seems to have saved the rest of the tank. It looks like it was bacterial, at a guess I would think some kind of Columnaris due to the nature of the disease and adding the nic which had a bit of a stressful journey home which can cause it... just hoping the meds and water quality have knocked out the disease and have starved it long enough now (5 weeks but not constant dosing). It sucks it really does... but no one is fully safe from a tank wipe. Tons of reasons it can happen, tank crack, power failure, disease, electrocution, mass aggression. My problem was not diagnosing quick enough and also had real trouble getting meds as my local shops did not have enough meds in to treat my tank.

I got quite down about the tank - in all honesty I have hated it since I lost Elsie and this was a real blow as well. Im moving house in a few weeks so going to get that cracking and get the tank moved (luckily we are in no rush so should go okay) and then have a think about what I want to do - I still have my Severus, Lilly which is keeping me going with it - if I had lost her 100% would have closed the tank down by now. At some point though I am going to rehome a large chunk of fish and rethink what I want to do with the tank... Probably going to focus on catfish and schoolers and leave Lilly and my Threafin to the tank as they get on pretty well and then rehom my Mixteco Gold, newish male Nic. Also rehoming my Mini Hoplos, Flagtails and Whiptails. Im a bit reluctant to add any other cichlids as Lilly is such an established fish it could go really wrong and that is the last thing that I want really...

I can understand you wanting to throw the towel in, It must have been absolutely gutting for you. Its not nice losing any fish but to lose big fish is something you only understand if you own big fish and have that attachment to them. Just sitting looking at our tank while typing this and my stomach churns at even the thought of losing one of our big ones never mind what you've been through. As you said there's so many ways that disaster can strike and it can happen to any one of us.I really am gutted for you.

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