Oscar Dilema

I do still have rainbow :) He is really really placid though, he would try and swim away and hide, that would just make Rusty keep wanting to chase him. He can get nasty (rusty) with other fish, if they challange him he doesnt bother thats why the braziliensis was perfect with him, she ignored any nonsence off him. My only other options would be the 2 large birchir or my Pimelodus blochii trio they would be big enough.

He has been on his own now for a week and no sign of his aggression to me going :(

Unless you donate a tank to me i still have nothing big enough. :(

lol I have 16 tanks running at the moment again my biggest spare is only 125l :(
16 tanks, LOL!!!!

I would try the Pims myself. If not, then my LFS has a few decent sized Brasilliensis in.
They are big enough, but I know Rusty is not keen on catfish, he did try swallowing one of the pictus when they lived with him :( luckily he dropped it when I yelled at him, poor dimwit has never been the same since
Well a tank re-scape again seems to have calmed down Rusty's aggression towards me & the syphon. Lots of tangled branches now for him to swim through, over and around. he still looks grumpy ;lol lol



Wow, 16 tanks! And by the looks of the stocking lists of yours, I think that just made you my new best friend :p I am a huge fan of large cichlids and used to have a pair of oscars myself!.

I am truly sorry to hear about the loss of you fish, and even more so about how Rusty flipped his lid. Unfortunatly, when my oscar went off the deep end, there was really nothing I could house with him, and only fish he never bothered was my Severums. My severums were of extrememly docile, chill temperament and even in Kirby's (my tiger) worst moods, he would always casually swim with the severums and synodontis cats. THe only fish he truly hated was my red oscar or any fish of the same temperament. Do you think maybe rusty would calm down with the addition of fish that are docile? Or was I just lucky? (you are the expert here, but I hope my experience would be of some help)

BTW, Rusty is a very lovely oscar, and looks very much like my Kirby did (I had to rehome my oscars when the stand to their 125g tank almost imploded)
Hiya :). There is no guarantee Rusty will ever tank to any other fish now, its like all cichlids really some get on with other fish others dont. Chops my other oscar HATES being on his own, he has to be surrounded by other fish (luckily he hasnt reached his full size due to his poor start in life) There is a golden common plec in with Rusty now, he is fine with that. I am going to leave him on his own with the plec for the time being now he is calming down and allowing me to clean out his tank again, I just dont want this stress related HITH to come back again with trying other fish with him while he is still recovering. :). You just cant guarantee anything with an oscar, I have learnt that much apart from they are always hungry lol
Hiya :). There is no guarantee Rusty will ever tank to any other fish now, its like all cichlids really some get on with other fish others dont. Chops my other oscar HATES being on his own, he has to be surrounded by other fish (luckily he hasnt reached his full size due to his poor start in life) There is a golden common plec in with Rusty now, he is fine with that. I am going to leave him on his own with the plec for the time being now he is calming down and allowing me to clean out his tank again, I just dont want this stress related HITH to come back again with trying other fish with him while he is still recovering. :). You just cant guarantee anything with an oscar, I have learnt that much apart from they are always hungry lol
I am glad to hear he is calming down. I know how stressful HITH can be. When I rescued my oscars (they were living in a 47g with 2 jack dempseys) both of them had minor cases of HITH and the previous owners would change their filter pad monthly and uncycle the tank. They lived in their own waste for a long time. I was so glad when they healed.
The mind boggles sometimes :(.
Update: Rusty is looking a lot better, he seems to be getting over the loss of his tankmate at long last.

Update: all the marks on Rusty have now completely gone and no sign of any new ones, I guess he is over the grief of loosing his tankmate (thankfully) but he is still picking on the gravel vac at wc time.
U'll be able to handle the gravel vac as long as he's on the mend, makes wc day all the more fun or maybe fun the wrongs word, maybe challenging.

Wills near fell off the seat when i read you'd lost your Choc and Winemilleri, what happened ? Not a nice feeling when you loose big guys.

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