Oscar companions?

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Bea/\/ said:
i got my 3 foot second hand with everything from a lady and she even gave me a 20 icnch air stone and a huge limestone rock. including light as well. preety good deal.
Its is a pretty deal!!!!!!!!!!!!

how much did you say?
pardon the lines people but i think there is certain people/ person on this topic who should sell there tanks and go and buy some books and do some reading on fish and water quailitys before having anything else to do with fish your messing with lifes so what i hear you say there fish. yeah but they have a right to live a happy and healthy life .

please listen to people whom there are loads of that are trying to give you good advice to a question you ask only for you to argue with them how about growing up and learning to read fish books

and yes i have two small oscars and they are fine got more filtration in my tanks than the average person and have quite a few gallons two before you ask to keep all my oddballs and norms in pleasure.
If you dont take note of anything else i have said then just listen and observe peoples questions and replys and learn like we have all had to
stop trying to be clever
Vip said:
Bea/\/ said:
i got my 3 foot second hand with everything from a lady and she even gave me a 20 icnch air stone and a huge limestone rock. including light as well. preety good deal.
Its is a pretty deal!!!!!!!!!!!!

how much did you say?
$$100 $$ australian
Bomag said:
pardon the lines people but i think there is certain people/ person on this topic who should sell there tanks and go and buy some books and do some reading on fish and water quailitys before having anything else to do with fish your messing with lifes so what i hear you say there fish. yeah but they have a right to live a happy and healthy life .

please listen to people whom there are loads of that are trying to give you good advice to a question you ask only for you to argue with them how about growing up and learning to read fish books

and yes i have two small oscars and they are fine got more filtration in my tanks than the average person and have quite a few gallons two before you ask to keep all my oddballs and norms in pleasure.
If you dont take note of anything else i have said then just listen and observe peoples questions and replys and learn like we have all had to
stop trying to be clever
ive had fish since i was born so dont u tell me to go sell 3 perfectly good,fish happy, tanks and i have 7 books on fish. and ive listened to everyone. and im nto trying to be clever. i came to this forum cuz i only knew 70% of the stuff i needed to know to keep my fish happy. that why we're on this forum. so think before u say anything.
Bomag said:
pardon the lines people but i think there is certain people/ person on this topic who should sell there tanks and go and buy some books and do some reading on fish and water quailitys before having anything else to do with fish your messing with lifes so what i hear you say there fish. yeah but they have a right to live a happy and healthy life .

please listen to people whom there are loads of that are trying to give you good advice to a question you ask only for you to argue with them how about growing up and learning to read fish books

and yes i have two small oscars and they are fine got more filtration in my tanks than the average person and have quite a few gallons two before you ask to keep all my oddballs and norms in pleasure.
If you dont take note of anything else i have said then just listen and observe peoples questions and replys and learn like we have all had to
stop trying to be clever
I think I agree. :nod:
im not like that guy who fought bettas, i love my fish and it is now in an 85gal so nyahhhh :p I dont torture fish, i love them and defend them. You guys should think before you say anything and watch what you say. Oh and some of us arent rich enough to own massive countless tanks, im only 12 okay, gimme some respect! :D
i did think about it before i said it.
and you may have come on this forum to learn stuff and ask advice but you never listen to anyone .
also to give you respect you have to earn it.
try not arguing with people when you ask them a question otherwise i am sure people will just stop talking to you.

PS: have just bought a blue whale and am going to put it in a kettle

see it looks silly

listen and learn, if you know you are going to do whatever the question maybe ie: getting a oscar. why bother asking for when people advise you not to you still say your going to

:huh: the bothered look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
LOL, there was just a thread on having to be 18 to buy fish. The moron kid putting oscars in a 15g makes a pretty good case for it.

The owner of his lfs must love seeing this bloke come in his store.

" We got a nice school of pacu in, how many do you want, 7 or 8?"

This post has been edited by cometcattle on May 26 2004, 01:01 PM

ya know that was pretty RUDE! i know who ur talking about, thats my brother and i dont think u have the right 2 call him a moron because he didnt know about oscars at the time and wanted 2 get one! i think u should apologize now!
Bomag said:
i did think about it before i said it.
and you may have come on this forum to learn stuff and ask advice but you never listen to anyone .
also to give you respect you have to earn it.
try not arguing with people when you ask them a question otherwise i am sure people will just stop talking to you.

PS: have just bought a blue whale and am going to put it in a kettle

see it looks silly

listen and learn, if you know you are going to do whatever the question maybe ie: getting a oscar. why bother asking for when people advise you not to you still say your going to

:huh: the bothered look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
You oviously never thought hard enough. and i do listen to ppl. but its ppl like you who just come and start shouting when you dont know us. I only give ppl respect wen they give me respect. And we never asked a question wiuth the oscar. we just wanted to know what would be compactible with them. we never even sed that we were going to put other fish with him. and Silva_Fishy has got a larger tank anyway. Like he said we defend them for a reason. yesterday a 8 yr old kid wanted a betta and i wouldnt let him take it becuz i knew it would die in less then 3 days.
an admin or moderator should end the thread since it has nothing to do with the importance. its just a flame war.
Im not going to close this thread but i am going to step in.

For those of you who feel you have been wronged by the negative responses in this thread, TOUGH LUCK. This is a forum and if you post questions about keeping large fish in small tanks then you can expect to get some negative feedback from the fish keepers who have been in the hobby longer, are more knowledgable and quite frankly have more sense.

There is a thing called research and in this day and age it is easier than ever to do, all you have to do is type the name of the fish you want to know about into the search bar in your browser and hit search, and you will usually find more information than you can be bothered to read through. Then having armed yourself with the basics like knowing that your tank is large enough and the dietry requirements of your fish you can get hands on information from people who have kept the fish on the forum to educate yourself further.
. yesterday a 8 yr old kid wanted a betta and i wouldnt let him take it becuz i knew it would die in less then 3 days.

do you work at a lfs?
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