Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

Cheers Seffie, I was thinking some sort of mollusc also. Sure I'll just keep watching it and see if it does anything else to give away what it is. :D
Installed the new blue LEDs and protein skimmer without any problems. Noticed a couple of different feather dusters (at least I think they are!) in the tank.
Their feathers are more fan shaped then normal feather dusters.
They are this shape:

And they are constantly rotating the fans clockwise and then counter clockwise. Any ideas what they are?
New guys are probably barnacles..great little filter feeders and the origional newbie..has it a ring of spikes aound it's head..may need to do the red night light trick to see this...several worms live in the rock and as usual some are good and some are very bad....ie peanut worms are harmless grazers, eunice worms on the other hand are down right ..........!!!
Seffie looks like you started the vino without us,lol.......
lol.....thanks for the ID seffie! :p

The new moonlight LED's are pretty cool, although I think I will get another strip.
The yellow centre in my purple polyps flourese under it which looks really cool, although they close up soon afterwards :(
Cheers Buddy! They look like they could be Goose Neck barnacles....they look pretty cool, although tiny.
Look exactly like this:
Oh wow, they look amazing

seffie x


did you take that photo?

Unfortunately...no. :(
It is just an example I got from Google. I only have 2 of them (that I can find) and it would be impossible to take a picture of them as they are really tiny. But hopefully they will grow into bigger specimens.

Noticed that the Boyu WG308 skimmer I installed is a little noisy......hopefully it stops being so noisy once it is bedded in.
Will try and get a pic of the Clavularia polyps under the moonlight tonight, they look great.
What fish are you planning on keeping? Nice tank btw!

Cheers betta! Haven't really decided what fish yet, leaning towards a Bi-Color Blenny to start though. They seem pretty cool.

Any suggestions?

Zoa's and Rics will probably be the first corals, and then possibly some mushies and a sarcopyton maybe. Xenia a possibility too........so many choices! :D
Clowns possibly. Well, thats what i want to keep in mine... when i do eventually get the Orca TL450..! :)

Not sure if it is big enough for clowns. Some say it is ok, some say it isn't.
I am actually more excited about corals than fish at the moment, which I never thought would be the case! My fiancee is dying to get fish though... lol

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