Orange Plakats

ohhhh, do I have baby I have baby pictures?!? You bet!!!! :hyper: I :wub: ya, bittersweet ...thanks for asking :D

They are small, one is much larger than the other and I'm just crazy enough to think that one looks like the mother and the other is the spitting image of it's father. Note how large the one towards the bottom is,compared.


  • ebetta.jpg
    12.7 KB · Views: 34
LOL cocker, I do to talk to you :rolleyes: silly goose :p (sorry I forgot to answer that pm),I'll try the pic thing when they get a bit bigger, they're really small this time...I think it's because I forced the parents to breed again so quickly :*)

Checking me out while I check him/her out :wub:


  • ebetta2.jpg
    5.6 KB · Views: 38
I had three from this spawn but one didn't make it :/ he broke out with the dreaded red spot on his head and he was dead the next day. Then the largest of the two remaining got the red spot and I treated them with some colloidal silver and something I bought called "trace elements"'s for humans but it cleared up his spot within hours :nod:


  • ebetta33.jpg
    16.7 KB · Views: 40
Gossiping under the plant, not much to gossip about since they're the only one's :lol:


  • ebetta5.jpg
    17 KB · Views: 42
and finally....big one just chillin' by itself (actually I think he found a bbs) :p


  • ebetta4.jpg
    7.4 KB · Views: 41
Those are Jebo tanks,rolln.I love them, you should see the 40 gallon that they,wow,wow!
awwww,memories :wub:

Here is an updated pic of the male from the first spawn,working on his bubble nest :wub:


  • zx6.jpg
    12.1 KB · Views: 34
and another of him. The female is so unbelievably beautiful, I can't get a pic worthy of her as of yet. I'll keep trying!


  • zx7.jpg
    9.1 KB · Views: 48
stop making me jealous! i cant breed for another 3/4 weeks after i get back for the carribian and my females are both ready! you should see the female CT, for her size she looks like a ballon! well good luck with your spawns and sorry for your lost.
wuvmybetta said:
Ok, I just peeked in and I HAD to snap a pic, it's not the best but it has to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I guess betta fry can be quite exhausting, I found my male taking a breather sprawled out on the bottom with hundreds of fry all around him, crawling all over him ,LMAO! Cracked me up but also brought a tear to my eye :wub:
:wub: :wub: What are you going to do with all them babies I want to buy some of them from you.... They are beautiful I want some of them so bad....... :wub: Please keep me in mind if you want to sell some of them...
here are the babies who were just little eggs a few pages ago :wub:

I'll let ya know when I'm parting with more,fks&a's ;)


  • zx5.jpg
    22 KB · Views: 40
awwwwwwww!!! they are sooooooooooooo cute :wub: :wub: !!!!!! im makes me sad becuz of my guppy fry that i can't find anywhere! (he is not hiding...theres nothing in the tank :( ) but it makes me reeeeallly! and reaally happy that ur bettas are growiing so good :) congrats K :clap:

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