Opionions On Minimum Tank Size

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  • less than 1/4 gallon

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  • 1/2 gallon

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  • 1 gallon

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  • 2-5 gallons

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  • 10+ gallons

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  • 5 + gallons

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Nov 26, 2006
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Just curious on personal opionion as ive seen its very different depending on who you ask.,

Just a thought, but there's quite a difference between US and UK gallons. Whcih are you gonna use? Dont mind cus will just use the calculator :lol:
I think it depends on the fish, too. I remember reading one person's message that some of her bettas did best in 2 gallons, when they always hid or fretted when in 5-10 gallon tanks. I saw that in two of my boys as well, they both had 5 gallon tanks, but Ed Gein was always hiding behind the heater. When I moved him to the 3 gal (swapping with Leroidesanimaux, aka Leroy), he perked right up and was a much more active boy. On the other hand, Leroy suddenly stopped making bubblenests and is much less perky. Of course, it could be the placement of the 5gal, which is in my sister's room, which rarely has people moving around in there like in my room.

Oddly, I just moved Ed Gein from the 3gal into the 10gal with the four ADFs (he'd stopped making bubblenests for quite a while now, and was now beginning to look rather dull), and right off the bat, there was a big bubblenest, and his sparkle is back. Heh, he confuses me. Sweeney, on the other hand, doesn't seem to care what tank he's in. He's been happy in the 3gal, in his 5gal (I have two), and in the 10gal (I think he was happiest in that one)
I think Zafirah is just looking for your opinions from what you've found to be best in the majority of cases :good: So basically, what size tank would "you" go and buy to house one male betta? :good:

I went for 5+ US gals.

:shout: Who the heck said half US gallon :crazy:
I dont like to keep my own bettas in anything less than 5 UK gallons.

Although, it has already been pointed out that it really depends on your betta and the filtration, water changes etc. your prepared to do to keep him healthy.
Thankyou Bronzecat. Lol. I went with 1 gallon.
it really depends on the water changes and time in tank. the very smallest tank I have is a 2 gallon that tweek lives in. that gets water changes every time I finish washing the dishes (pretty much daily) tweek will have to go into the divided 10 as soon as the weather changes...as the 2 is not heated or filtered. and I know its going to piss him off too.

as far as health goes I believe a 1.5-2 with good maintance is fine. as far as HAPPY goes I have never had happier bettas then when the boys are conditioning and bubblenesting in my 20 long. the 20 long was only filled 1/2 way but it had so much floor space that way.

after haveing not 1 but 4 seperate males in there for spawning and seeing how truely happy they are it honestly makes me feel like poo having to seperate them into the smaller tanks.
Ok..just assume the bettas are getting water changes regularly.
i did say 5+ with seeing my new boy in his 6 gal i wouldn't say less, although 2-5 would also be acceptable for me
I just voted 1 gal. With water changes, this is acceptable. I would not want to keep my bettas in a tank this size, but it IS (imo) the absolute bare minimum to even try to keep a healthy betta.

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