
Yea, that's 1 one problem. If I do it, Im goin to have 4 sponge filters, plus one of my beautiful homemade biological filter :D Lol, talk about saving money. A canister filter will cost up to 115$CDN for some of the cheaper ones. The one I made, is filled with a gallon of BioBalls, and only cost me 22$, but I already had a powerhead, so with that it would have been more like 40$ CDN.

I love DIY.

DB :fish:
neontetra05 said:
hey danny i fugire that the bins are 10.00 and the fish are 3.00 each are you friends with littly fishy
Yea, sorry I never really grasped what the bins cost, because I have so many lying around the house. Heaters aren't too expensive, guppies you can buy discounted in bulk "6 for 10$", deals like that, and the spongess cost from 3$ to 10$. I guess it all depends on how much $ you want to drop on it.

And I guess you could say me and LittleFishies are friends, she only lives about 15 mins away!

P.S LittleFishies, have you been to the LFS downtown St. Catherines, by the Commissos? I think it's called Petland?

DB :fish:
DannyBoy17 said:
neontetra05 said:
hey danny i fugire that the bins are 10.00 and the fish are 3.00 each are you friends with littly fishy
Yea, sorry I never really grasped what the bins cost, because I have so many lying around the house. Heaters aren't too expensive, guppies you can buy discounted in bulk "6 for 10$", deals like that, and the spongess cost from 3$ to 10$. I guess it all depends on how much $ you want to drop on it.

And I guess you could say me and LittleFishies are friends, she only lives about 15 mins away!

P.S LittleFishies, have you been to the LFS downtown St. Catherines, by the Commissos? I think it's called Petland?

DB :fish:
It's the only one in town I'll buy fish from.
I got my tank/filter from one of the guys that works there -- Eric. He's really nice.
I also get awesome discounts cos I'm friends with most of the employees -- like a pair of German Blue Rams for $10 instead of $30. :) They're trying to talk the manager into hiring me.
Actually, the house I'm looking at for next year is right by it. Petland is on Ontario St., and Haig St where the house is, is a couple streets behind off of Carlton. I could walk up a side street and be at Petland in 5 minutes.

Talk about location! :lol:

neontetra -- you can probably get heaters at WalMart real cheap.. a 50 watt is $15CDN there. It's awesome.
Aye, for me though, there are no discounts! So we usually go to Big Als in Hamilton, same lengths aways.

If you move in there, I'll have to drop by and check out the tank sometime! :D
Do you like coffee?
DannyBoy17 said:
Aye, for me though, there are no discounts! So we usually go to Big Als in Hamilton, same lengths aways.

If you move in there, I'll have to drop by and check out the tank sometime! :D
Do you like coffee?
I'm going to Big Al's on Saturday, I think. :D

And hell, if you come to Petland anyway, let me know and I'll stop by. They're used to me being in every other day. It's just another excuse to go drool over their bettas and cichlids. Not to mention that 20 year old koi in the pond at the front!
Coffee = god. I used to work at a Tim Horton's, so I got hooked. It's essential when I have 8-10 classes, and it's Earth Sciences at 8. There's no other way I'd stay awake for it! :lol:

Seriously, let me know next time you're headed to Petland, and I'll check and see about Big Al's next weekend. If I don't go with my friend Sarah, I'll get my grandparents to take me. Ahh, the crappiness of not having a car. :( But if I go with them they'll take me to see Phantom of the Opera again. :)

Edit :: I'm going to bed now. Damn that 8am class!

I'll talk to both of you tomorrow. :) Neon, we can work out that bin idea, with filters and stuff.
And Dan, caffeine! lol

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