
I had a treasure chest in my 30gallon that was plastic and opened and closed, but I dont like ornaments like that much eanymore. Just a little to fake and kid-like. I also dislike divers....

i'm with you on that! i'm still searching for that orniment that is just that little bit different.
I had a treasure chest in my 30gallon that was plastic and opened and closed, but I dont like ornaments like that much eanymore. Just a little to fake and kid-like. I also dislike divers....

i'm with you on that! i'm still searching for that orniment that is just that little bit different.

Yeah, I used to love fake ornaments, but I dont eanymore, they cost so much and it just takes away from the main attraction( the fish). Someone told me that I should go with more of a real feal and make the fish at home, and if I did use ornaments, to make sure they actually serve a purpose to the fish.... Also, ornaments of things that you'd find in natural habitats for fish.

For ex...
Ship's sink in oceans, deep rivers and large lake's. I also saw a banged up car wreck with plants growing from it. Driftwood and big rock are also great!
Just make sure they dont have death traps and look good.
Hm i quite like some ornements, when the weather warms up next year and i have my goldfish in the pond, i'm going to attempt to grow riccia or java moss on the two giant peices of driftwood (2.5ft+ long and 3ft+ long) in my goldfish tank and then maybe get some little houses and bridges to create a little village on the grassy hills of the driftwood in the tank :thumbs: .
Hm i quite like some ornements, when the weather warms up next year and i have my goldfish in the pond, i'm going to attempt to grow riccia or java moss on the two giant peices of driftwood (2.5ft+ long and 3ft+ long) in my goldfish tank and then maybe get some little houses and bridges to create a little village on the grassy hills of the driftwood in the tank :thumbs: .

Thats not a bad idea.... Having it sorta like a hill top!
Yeah, its huge.... But it comes in smaller sizes.

And littleT, Im glad to know we have something in comin. I had a treasure chest in my 30gallon that was plastic and opened and closed, but I dont like ornaments like that much eanymore. Just a little to fake and kid-like. I also dislike divers....

I had the treasure chest also I like it then but like you said it is to kid-like now. I don't like the divers either. When I get time if you would like to see my boat I will post a picture for you. :good:
Yeah, its huge.... But it comes in smaller sizes.

And littleT, Im glad to know we have something in comin. I had a treasure chest in my 30gallon that was plastic and opened and closed, but I dont like ornaments like that much eanymore. Just a little to fake and kid-like. I also dislike divers....

I had the treasure chest also I like it then but like you said it is to kid-like now. I don't like the divers either. When I get time if you would like to see my boat I will post a picture for you. :good:

Yeah, Sure... Id love to see it. It may give me some ideas for my setup!
Try changing the ships color. It kinda looks dull in the picture. Then try not putting too much leaves in it.
Try changing the ships color. It kinda looks dull in the picture. Then try not putting too much leaves in it.

I cant change the color of the ship, it came as it is.
And I wanted it to look rotten and aged and not brightley colored. The ship is shades of grey and black with green.
The cannons on it are also gold with a aqua green color that you see on old cooper.

kinda off point, but not topic. i have several resin statues, that i am keen to use in my tank. they are not designed to be used in a tank. one is designed to be used in a garden, and the other two are cheap "ethnic" items bought from what is commonly known as "tat" emporiums/£ shops. thing is i am unsure if the resins used are or may be safe in water. just wondered if anyone may have any light to shed on this :good:
kinda off point, but not topic. i have several resin statues, that i am keen to use in my tank. they are not designed to be used in a tank. one is designed to be used in a garden, and the other two are cheap "ethnic" items bought from what is commonly known as "tat" emporiums/£ shops. thing is i am unsure if the resins used are or may be safe in water. just wondered if anyone may have any light to shed on this :good:
Im not sure, Im sure if they have paints on the, they will probley be harmful to the fish.
kinda off point, but not topic. i have several resin statues, that i am keen to use in my tank. they are not designed to be used in a tank. one is designed to be used in a garden, and the other two are cheap "ethnic" items bought from what is commonly known as "tat" emporiums/£ shops. thing is i am unsure if the resins used are or may be safe in water. just wondered if anyone may have any light to shed on this :good:
Im not sure, Im sure if they have paints on the, they will probley be harmful to the fish.

Ahh good point, though i am not sure any of them are, i had not thought of that. thanks
Most people say if something wasnt made for aquarium use, its best not to put it in.
But I have seen some people do things and have success, so Im not sure. Id advice you to open another thread with pictures of them
and get some other opinions, I wouldnt wanna give you wrong info!

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