Opinions please!


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Sherwood Park, Canada
I know this topic has been done to death, but my SO wants to make the 10 gallon tank we have into a community tank without tetras (he is still sad over the loss of our last ones). I am not sure really what to put in the tank, but he wants a bunch of bright colored fish. Any ideas? Sorry again, but I am lost.
Thanks everyone!
10 gallon is pretty small so you are a bit limited. However, you could get a small group of platys that are very colorful or perhaps better yet some fancy tailed guppies.

Add some plants and rocks or something and you will have a small colorful tank.

I assume you already have filter, lights, etc.
Crystal said:
Signifigant other. :)
Thats what I figured but thought I'd check. As already mentioned.....10 gallons is not a large tank.....but with careful planning you could be able to do a small community. Just make sure the fish you choose are small....and won't grow too big(adult size). If you follow the inch per gallon ruling,you shouldn't have many problems assuming you have adequate filtration. :)
I have everything, and the tank is cycling right now, I want to do some reading on compatible tankmates for a 10 Gal. I hope I am not stuck with guppies or platys, since I am personally not too fond of them, even though he likes them. The tank has plants, rock, and bogwood in it already.
(I am waiting for a while until I get my own tank. I am going for at least a 30Gal for a pair of blue ram cichlids)
Endlers, neons or one of the smallest variety of corys(hasborus, hastatu etc)
for me..this is what i will do

4 cories or 6
4 platies (they are not THAT bad...)
school of tetras! :D

now you have TOP, MIDDLE, AND BOTTOM =)
Crystal said:
I have everything, and the tank is cycling right now, I want to do some reading on compatible tankmates for a 10 Gal. I hope I am not stuck with guppies or platys, since I am personally not too fond of them, even though he likes them. The tank has plants, rock, and bogwood in it already.
(I am waiting for a while until I get my own tank. I am going for at least a 30Gal for a pair of blue ram cichlids)
Tank is for him so go for platies
No neons please. I want different tetras, like lemons, or head and tail lites, and my SO is facinated with ghost shrimp, so I want a couple of those in there somewhere. Chris (my SO) is hesitant on the neons (both neon and black neon) tetras because of the last experience we had with them. They had all passed away on us. :-(

The tank is for both of us, and I am the main one taking care of it.
canarsie11 said:
Tank is for him so go for platies
He is not too big of a fan of them either.

edit: after getting him to pick out the fish he wanted before I started research, he decided on tetras! lol
so I am probably going for another tetra tank.

Thank you everyone!!!!!
Crystal said:
canarsie11 said:
Tank is for him so go for platies
He is not too big of a fan of them either.

edit: after leting him pick out the fish he wanted before I started research, he decided on tetras! lol
so I am probably going for another tetra tank.

Thank you everyone!!!!!
see if you can get "diamond head neon tetras" they are a colour morph of the std neon and only have neon blue on their heads. They look better than std neons imo

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