Opinions on this community


New Member
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
Just got my 60g set up.

Have the following fish:

Tiger Dat -2"
Fire eel -5"
African knife -4"
Elephant Nose -3.5"
Glass Knife -4"
and one extremely tiny little crayfish eating the leftovers on the ground lol.

Any comments on this little community? Should I add anything to it? Can I add anything to it in a 60g? The tank is kind of dead right now, they all just hide, I was thinking about getting some non-aggressive active fish maybe? Any opinions are greatly appreciated!
Unless i am mistaken, all of those fish grow massive!!! i think it would be overstocked when they are full grown, and i wouldnt add ANY fish.

I would give the Tiger Dat and Fire Eel a minimum of 75 gallons and probably more. So I wouldn't add anything else, ofcourse if you plan on upgrading some Catfish would look good, maybe a group of Sorubim Lima? :)
The tank is already quite full and will need upgrading in the future, the dat alone will need a minimum of 75g as they can reach up to 15" in length. The only area of the tank that isnt already occupied is the surface so if anything i would suggest a small school of needle fish or pike characins.
add puffers they will empty ur tank out.......
jk its really full i read that they grow like 18"

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