Opinions On Tank, Ways To Improve

That scape is pretty good, especially for a newbie. I wish my tank looked more like that than what it actually looks like. I would sort the stocking out a bit though - many LFSs will take in any unwanted fish (eg the neon/danio/cory, if you don't have room to make up groups). What size is the tank?
That scape is pretty good, especially for a newbie. I wish my tank looked more like that than what it actually looks like. I would sort the stocking out a bit though - many LFSs will take in any unwanted fish (eg the neon/danio/cory, if you don't have room to make up groups). What size is the tank?
Its 180L.Theres room for a group its just deciding what sort if there too small the lobster will pick them of like the neons, atleast i think its the lobster.
I'd cry if I woke up to that tank every morning (with joy, that is!) It looks absolutely perfect, do not touch it! :wub:
WOW thats amazing. other then needing more fish i think your tanks spot on. the
issue i have with live plants is that they die, get eaton or make the water
coloured so watch out and enjoy your tank.


WOW thats amazing. other then needing more fish i think your tanks spot on. the
issue i have with live plants is that they die, get eaton or make the water
coloured so watch out and enjoy your tank.


Plants don't usually colour the water. They also won't die if you treat them correctly and they won't get eaten if you do your homework on fish stock before you go out a buy some :p
Hi all, Thanks for all the opinions and great replies you all gave, i've had a bit of a move round and heres how its looking.....


The individual plants on the floor are for what i'm hoping to become a bit of a carpet
The tank looks absolutely brilliant pal. The only thing that really sticks out for me is to get more Pakistani Loaches (Botia almorhae). A group of at least six would show you some lovely natural behavior. I've heard of single species to become reclusive and nasty. They are sociable little creatures and love their own company and sort out a social structure which is interesting to watch.

Here's a little article on them.

The tank looks absolutely brilliant pal. The only thing that really sticks out for me is to get more Pakistani Loaches (Botia almorhae). A group of at least six would show you some lovely natural behavior. I've heard of single species to become reclusive and nasty. They are sociable little creatures and love their own company and sort out a social structure which is interesting to watch.

Here's a little article on them.


I have thought about that from what ive heard the play and roll around together? My only concern is that i will have too many bottom feeders as i already have 2x upsidedown cats 2x flying foxes 1x cory 1x gold loach 1x chinese algae eater and the pakistan loach. What do you think?
Well it's your choice, i know you will see the best from them if you get a group of them, and they aren't aggressive towards other fish, the squabbles will be kept between themselves.

Personally i'd rehome the cory or get the fella some more pals aswell. I'm not sure what a gold loach is off the top of my head. But i wouldn't worry about the foxes or cats with them. The CAE might be a problem to all fish when it gets old.

But definitely get a group of the loaches you won't regret it.
Well it's your choice, i know you will see the best from them if you get a group of them, and they aren't aggressive towards other fish, the squabbles will be kept between themselves.

Personally i'd rehome the cory or get the fella some more pals aswell. I'm not sure what a gold loach is off the top of my head. But i wouldn't worry about the foxes or cats with them. The CAE might be a problem to all fish when it gets old.

But definitely get a group of the loaches you won't regret it.

Here is my golden sucking loach just incase you was curious lol

Currently im stocking
3x neons
2x flying fox
1x chinese algae eater
1x pakistani loach
1x crib
2x pearl gourami
1x blue nose ram
1x ropefish
1x festive
1x harlequin
1x betta
1x danio
1x blue lobster
1x cory catfish

I no some of you will say the festive shouldn't be there but i use to have a silver shark and he use to be 'best mates' alwayws swimming side by side

This may have been mentioned already but...

Neons need to be kept in larger groups (6+)
Flying foxes are also schooling fish
Your algae eater will get aggressive in his later years and may turn on your other fish
Pakistani loaches are social fish and need 3+ of their own kind to chill with as far as I'm aware
Rasboras, cories and danios are all schooling fish too and need to be kept in groups of 6+ each.

Don't mean to criticize but I thought you should just need to be made aware :rolleyes:

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