Opinions on stocking a 55 gal tank

That's a good idea.

However, those fry could also be somewhat lucrative. So you mgiht be able to do more than just "donate" them. :D
Cheese Specialist said:
I don't see why it would be a problem. Are you buying young angel fish? Usually if angels are young when introduced they won't bother most tank mates.

None of those fish seem that small as to be bothered by the angels. Maybe the hatchets.
So, should I add the hatchets first, let them grow for a little bit, then add young angel fish?

Again, I'm still not sure about what order they should be added. It makes sense to add the angelfish when they're young though.

BTW, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for everybody's help!!!
tempestuousfury said:
The hatchets are surface dwellers, as are gouramis. The gouramis prefer calm waters and are territorial. It might not be a good combination. :no:
That makes sense, hadn't thought of it. That's why I'm asking so many questions, I want my fish to be as happy as possible. Thank you!
Any thoughts on the Rainbows? I don't know a whole lot about them. But the info I've found says they are a peaceful fish.
scott1000 said:
Any thoughts on the Rainbows? I don't know a whole lot about them. But the info I've found says they are a peaceful fish.
I have one rainbowfish (boesmani, like you want). He doesn't get on with the gouramis too well but other than that he is very cool.
drobbins27 said:
Cheese Specialist said:
drobbins27 said:
Dont clown knifes get huge...

Why not go with some NW Cichlids, they are really neat :thumbs:
A clown knife wasn't even mentioned!! It was a BGK and they get to about 8". Clown knives can get to 24".

My bad
It's ok, no worries. I can see how you got confused. All opinions are always welcome!!

My problem with the cichlids is that I want the BGK and from what I've read they won't get along. I'm trying to keep this tank somewhat peaceful.
I really like gouramis, so the next question would be, do they get along well with angels? Here's what I was thinking:

3 Angelicus Loach

2-3 Boesemani Rainbow
2 Angelfish
3 Clown killifish

3 dwarf gourami
2 peral gourami

Notice I took out the hatchets, that way I could get the gourami. But it all depends on whether or not gouramis would work with angelfish.

Notice I took out the hatchets, that way I could get the gourami. But it all depends on whether or not gouramis would work with angelfish.
2-3 Boesemani Rainbow
2 Angelfish
3 Clown killifish

3 dwarf gourami
2 peral gourami
I have one rainbowfish (boesmani, like you want). He doesn't get on with the gouramis too well but other than that he is very cool.

I just wanted to point out that someone said his Bosemani doesn't get on with gouramis. I have read in this forum, however, that angelfish and gouramis are fine together.
Alia said:
I just wanted to point out that someone said his Bosemani doesn't get on with gouramis. I have read in this forum, however, that angelfish and gouramis are fine together.
Thank you, I hadn't noticed that. I'll just leave the rainbows out then. Maybe eventually I'll get something else, or maybe just let the fish have a little extra room.

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