Opinion on what fish to add

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Sarah C Mckee

Fish Fanatic
Sep 15, 2019
Reaction score
Hi All! My name is Sarah ! And I have been in the fish hobby for a little over a year, it definitely is a learning process and I’m finally feeling like I have a routine down. I currently have a 29 gallon tank with some real plants and some fake. Gravel rock for the bottom. I currently have 7 harlequin rasboras , 2 danios, 2 Cory doras, and 1 Blue dwarf Gourami. I was thinking of adding a couple more fish, but I don’t want to max out my tank. I usually have two filters running on it so when I need my QT tank I can steal one. I am also having an issue with a lot of brown algae. It’s such an eye sore. Any tips on that and any tips on any cool fish that would go with my little fish family, or do you think I’m stocked? Thanks for the tips!
That sounds like a solid amount of fish and if anything under stocking a tank makes care a little easier I find but do you have any pics of the tank?
The light timer isn’t on yet so it’s pretty dark


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Here’s an
Pic I took


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A few more blue dwarfs wouldn't hurt or maybe go all in on rasboras? But if you have the filtration for it and it's not too cluttered go for it
I would agree another 1 or 2 dwarf gourami would look nice in your tank and a few more rasboras wouldn't hurt. I like to give my fish lots of room.
Danios and corydoras are schoaling fish so I recommend increasing these groups to six of each. The right hand side of the tank looks like it is by a window which will increase algae. Add back ground paper to the right side to reduce light.
How many more corydoras could I add to not overstock my tank? Yes the room is in a bevy windowed area, I try and keep the curtains closed as much as possible too, should I decrease my 8
Hour lights?
I would agree another 1 or 2 dwarf gourami would look nice in your tank and a few more rasboras wouldn't hurt. I like to give my fish lots of room.
I had the worst experience with trying to add my blue dwarf to my tank, after I got him I read that they get sick really easily and initially I had two and I think they were aggressive towards each other, I love my little turbo and am scared to add anymore dwarfs due to that gourami disease that is common
You should definitely add 4 more to get the 6 minimum, but a total of 6-9 corydoras would be fine in a 29 gallon as you have no other bottom dwellers. What type of cory's do you have?
I bet Turbo is a perfect centrepiece fish !
Regarding the lights, you could try 7 hours to see if it reduces the algae. I guess it would depend on the overall presence of light - natural and tank light.
For example if the tank light comes on at 3pm and you change it to 4 pm there will still be a lot of sunlight 3-4pm so it may not improve things much.

You could also add floating plants for shade with the added benefit that they use up nutrients. An excess of nutrients contributes to algae.
You should definitely add 4 more to get the 6 minimum, but a total of 6-9 corydoras would be fine in a 29 gallon as you have no other bottom dwellers. What type of cory's do you have?
I bet Turbo is a perfect centrepiece fish !
They are sterbai corydoras. Yes Turbo is perfect haha his personality is the greatest too! I’m sad I’m scared to get more ! I almost returned him because I didn’t want him to die like the other two I had, but he made it through and has been awesome! I’m so thankful I kept him!
Regarding the lights, you could try 7 hours to see if it reduces the algae. I guess it would depend on the overall presence of light - natural and tank light.
For example if the tank light comes on at 3pm and you change it to 4 pm there will still be a lot of sunlight 3-4pm so it may not improve things much.

You could also add floating plants for shade with the added benefit that they use up nutrients. An excess of nutrients contributes to algae.
I definitely have been wanting to try floating plants, I will look into that. The light now is set to come on at 1pm and off at 9p
Turbo sounds fab. Sterbais are very handsome fish too :)
Here’s a picture from today, you can see the algae


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