Firstly, this is
WONDERFUL news Ny82, I saw you had got your new boy and was delighted for you and your daughter, yet could not respond as my PC has been on a go slow (as Mamashack advised). Plus I have family staying so using my time on projects that needed doing. Like yesterday, we cleared the garage and I now have a fish corner with all my spare tanks - more info on that project at a later date
Oh, yes and of course
Betta Resistance is Futile
Mamashack said:
Has he got what is called marble colouring? In one of the photos he looks like Malcolm McDowell in the Clockwork Orange with one eye made up! lol
You could call him Alex (his character in that film or even Malcolm!)
I like the name Alex, may have to steal that one

Not so keen on Malcolm though.
Ny82 said:
It'e been years since I watched that! I really dislike the name malcolm!!! I think oddballs an awesome name!
I don't know what his official colouring would be called
My little one said lets call him blackberry because he's purple haha
Blackberry, is a cute name, but I see from later postings you have set yourself on Oddball?
Ny82 said:
Yeah definitely! RCA is the siamese fighter guru!
Aw sucks, thanks, I still have a lot to learn, but like to do my research on everything I own
Ny82 said:
Thanks, he's very shy at the moment, when I switched the tank lights on he immediately swam to the bottom and sat on the sand. Made a good pic though
[deleted image]
Can you get some floating plants, as the Bettas like these, and it shields them from the light? Have seen he is happier though since the move, probably because he feels he can get away from that "face" starring at him
Ny82 said:
He is a cracker Ny82, reminds me somewhat of my recent loss. And he was great. Does he have a sort of irridescant shimmer to him like a moths wing? Blackberry is a great name, all my kids could come up with was Mr fish. Not too dissimilar to this.
[deleted image]
I know! They look similar! Yes he does, when he swims there's a yellow and pink sheen to him. Aww bless! Mr fish is adorable!
Here's the weird part. Yesterday he just looked white from a distance. Today he has darkened, his head is mottled purple, the middle bit is a very strange orangey colour that his head was yesterday in that pic from earlier, the rest of his body is pastel blue and his fins are pastel blue with striking pink. What a concoction!
I forgot to add-those who say siamese fighters can't swim fast have not seen mine-he moves at the speed of light when I go near the tank!
Fighters tend to cruise around but if they are after something or want to hide they can't half shift. It is just they tend to not like strong currents due to their general cruising nature.
"Mr Fish" was indeed stunning as I responded in your previous post 372xp.
Shelster said:
Ah I was wondering where she was to.
We're missing you RCA!
Gee thanks, Shelster, I have been missing you all so much to catch up on with limited time!
Ny82 said:
oh dear xD
either get a magfloat which you can use to scrub it away or snails xD
I had about 5000 snails! They just got out of hand, I sold so many! Now I have 1 in each tank!
I have Assassin Snails, they are great as they spend most of their time under the substrate, but keep pest snails at bay. They stay fairly small and hunt at night generally, but if you do see them their colouring is quiet attractive.
Looking forward to the video.
He will settle in time as he realises you are the food monitor

I always feed my fighters first before any of the other fish in the tank. One thing that can assist him to get used to you is using some tongs (like the ones for planting/fishing) put some frozen blood worms or similar in the tongs and place it in the tank, and wait for him to come to it. In time he will look out for you. Mine who sleeps on his head, referred to earlier, aka nickname "Mr Rude" has actually started to look for me at feeding time since he was put in the
46L Edge. Funny thing is with the Edge, you need to train them as to where you actually are as they can see you through the glass roof and can get somewhat confused as to where the human actually is. I usually ripple the water behind them at the feeding hole and they soon turn and come for the food. My
little guy, now knows exactly where to come for his food and no longer darts away as he once did. So with patience he will come to
you starring at him