

Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2008
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bristol uk
:unsure: i seem to have ran out of dechlor. fortunately it wasn't during a water change.
now, as ive been following the advice from you guys, and been doing daily water changes, i won't be able to get any for quite some time, is this going to be ok?
i don't want to kill the tank. :crazy:
Both the fish and the filter bacteria will die if you don't put dechlorinator in the water. Letting the water sit for I think 24 hours (although it might be 48, someone correct me if I'm wrong) will get rid of the chlorine, but the chloramine can only be removed with the dechlorinator. Unless, your water doesn't contain chloramine, I suppose you could try contacting your water treatment people. There's no way you can get decholrinator sooner?
you will need to get some more dechlor and quickly.

the chlorine kills of the filter bacteria, in a mature tank they are a lot more resilient and can often take the odd water change without dechlor no problems, however in a cycling tank the bacteria are still growing and are fairly weak, you'll be likely to do some damage if you do a lot of water changes without dechlor. But you need to keep doing water changes or the fish will suffer from the ammonia and nitrite, so you need to get some dechlor and carry on with the changes I'm afraid.

as said above call your water company and find out if they use chlorine or chloramines, if it's just chlorine leaving water to stand for 24hrs before doing the water change is fine, if they use chloramine then you're buggered and you need dechlor.
Both the fish and the filter bacteria will die if you don't put dechlorinator in the water. Letting the water sit for I think 24 hours (although it might be 48, someone correct me if I'm wrong) will get rid of the chlorine, but the chloramine can only be removed with the dechlorinator. Unless, your water doesn't contain chloramine, I suppose you could try contacting your water treatment people. There's no way you can get decholrinator sooner?

This is only a possibility, not a forgone conclusion. Many of us do not use dechlorinator at all. but i would advise its use, until you have enough experience to decide for yourself.

As mentioned above, you can let water sit to "gassed out" the chlorine. putting you finger over the tap when filling your bucket, forcing the water at higher speeds, makes the chlorine leave quicker, lol, you can smell the stuff when you do it.

but the real lesson is, ensure you have enough of any items you use regularly in your tank, our best made plans go wrong some time, so it is worth having a backup supply.
also heating the water up will remove the chlorine, and chloramine.....

what fish do you have in your tank? do you have any inverts such as snails or shrimp? as they might not like a copper or other metals disolved in the water. that dechlor usualy neutralises.
It will NOT remove chloramine :no: Go without commercial delchlor at your peril, its not expensive ####...
I may be wrong, but I got the impression the OP was asking if it is okay to stop doing the regular water changes until he gets more dechlorinator at some point in the future.
:shout: oh hang on i think people have got the wrong end of the stick.
i meant, can i go without water changes until i can get some. i havent put any untreated water in the tank.
sorry i should have made myself more clear. :blush:
providing the tank is well established, you should be able to skip a week or 2
send someone to the shop for you, order on the internet or something.

with a fish-in cycle you are seriously endangering your fish if you go without daily water changes.

i have a pretty pressured job sometimes, i know it can be hard to find the time, but these are living creatures that you're putting at risk. tell your boss you've a docs appointment and nip out and pick some up or something. :rolleyes:

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