what a cursed couple of days.. the guinea pig died this morning,-tho nothing to do with the kittens, they have always been well, and suddenly we get up and one is ill and died while i was cuddling him to keep him warm-no warning nothing, just sort of fitted and died
anyway the kittens are coming along great, especially baby, he (its a he) is letting me pick him up for a few seconds,still gets a bit hissy but no where near whet he was, ember is till very very shy, she will come close but wont let me touch her yet, they look so similar that ember has bitten me when i go to ticlke him thinking he is baby.. oh well, ill learn the diffrence pretty soon with this as a punishment
just been sat on the kitchen floor ticling Ember!! yippeee i was making a fuss of baby and she just wanted some too, so fter a few bites she realised there was nothing bad going to happen and absolutley loves being stroked-she was purring her little head off, aww you can really see that she hasnt been petted much as her coat is still very rough compared to babies, funnily enough i was on the net last night looking at how to domesticate semi feral cats, and was going to try her in a box today and slowley introduce human contact, i kinda thought thought this would be the best way as when we got them they were just let into a large room and hid, and didnt think ember would come around without this, so glad i was wrong, but they do say cats are better at reading what your thinking than what your doing.
im thinking that ember is a girl, as i cant see any tickle tackle, but i could be wrong,dosent matter one bit to me now, im just chuffed that they are both coming out of thier shells, baby is letting me pick him up and stroke him now,and will jump up on the sofa to say hi to me, i will try to get some decent pics later as they are soo cute bless them
hiya dont know why i havent suggested this too you before ill message you a link too a site thats great help for cats im pixietina on there
id suggest when you can just go in sit down with ember instead of approaching her just sit in her room doing your own thing be it reading laptop (if you have one), then soon enough (maybe not that day,possibly a few days down the line) she will approach you talk softly too her and dont attempt too stroke her until your certain that she is 100% comfortable with you, its hard but it works, i had trouble with my teaser she was found dumped ,
i spent hours trying too get her friendly now i can shake her off me lol
good luck sweety!
P.s they look the Spitting image of misty!
Glad to hear there improving, we had the same problem trying to tell our two apart, but there will be differences one of ours has a 'chubbier' face, they both look gorgeous
these two are like tag team partners... they are nuts!!, should have seen them in the kitchen with a daddy long legs this morning
they have settled in great,ember is still shy but is fine with everyone in thehouse now,baby well, shes mad as a hatter, they will both sleep on any free bad that they find, and the yukka plant thing is just a tiny example of their antics .. really lovely cats tho,and they adore the fish -maybe a bit more if they could get their paws on them
is that really true....... we've got two girls and they do scrap a fair bit (never hurt each other and sometimes get on great, but when the younger one is feeling a bit hyperactive she gets on the older ones nerves and they'll have a tussle), been offered another kitten desperately looking for a new home, could either have a boy or a girl.
I'm trying to persuade my other half that it's a good idea, but he thinks the fighting would just get worse...... do you think it might actually help things?
Oh and Shelagh, they are absolutely adorable, just give them time to settle in to their new home and get used to you and they'll be fine.