i like the name ember peter,ill give it a go today see if it works lol, what a crazy night with them, i had to sleep on the sofa as i get arthritus in my back( wasin agony) and it sometimes is worse than other times, but my little one fell asleep on there and all my older sons went out for the night so i couldnt carry him up,anyway the cats were like ninjas on speed.twice i had to get up and move the sofa out so that they could get out(jammed) then they noticed there were kribs in the other tank,so kept using my feet as a spring board to get on top of the tank,then they smashed a glass that i had left on the end table, then 2 o`clock my 7 year old came down to tell me they were upstairs jumping all over his bed, so i had to go up and get them down ( wasnt that straight forward tho lol) but now we are all up and i cant find them anywhere, my guess is that they are on the 3rd floor nice and cosy on my bed
oh and another thing, had a chinese last night and really fancied some mint ice cream after it,so i went and left the lid of it iin the kitchen to melt a bit..and they were both stuck in to it when i got back, literally covered in green ice cream

what can i do tho eh?? they are soo cute and funny
fuzzy is a beautiful cat
happy birthday dthoffset