One Pic


Fish Herder
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Nor Cal
I just had enough battery life for one pic of Storin. He's so purdy!


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He normally has a very sweet, kind of curious demeanor. But see, in this pic, I had just un-split the tank, taken his former tankmate out and rearranged the entire thing during a WC. He was giving ME the ugly face. I still love him though! :wub:

There are some bettas that were meant to keep people company. He is one of them. My other betta, Alfred, he is VERY solitary and is very unhappy up near me and the computer. He will be going back in the split 5 gal so he can hide in his plant again. Odd!
Black bettas are wicked cool!
He is expressive, that's for sure. My Samson's major depressive episode when I moved the girls away, and recovery when I moved him to a tank near them and some competing males is quite a revelation to me. I say give them the virtual reality walkers. :fish: :rofl:
WoW he is awsome I love him. I will take him off from your hands if you ever want to get rid of him let me know...

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