One Or Two Fabulos Fish For My Tank

Because were trying to help you first and they can keep the fish in small tanks because it is TEMPORARY!!!! Those fish won't be there more than a week or two prolly. And yes you are being cruel to them and depriving them just because you enjoy them. If you got into this hobby for these fish sorry but you should of bought a bigger tank. And don't buy more fish until you get all of YOUR problems suited first.

Rant over.
oh boy...seems your kinda like my friend who kept a 5" pacu in a 10gallon because he thought it was "cool" .....funny how it didnt last long because of the improper environment... surely the same will happen to your yellow labs. Take them back and we will help suggest more suitable fish for your tank. Whats the extent of your research on keeping fish just as a basis so we know too or not to help you with more information or other problems that may lay ahead.

Gotta fix problems before adding more too it.

If you get rid of the yellow labs you could do some kribs, which ive heard get along fine with the tigers...just need to check with the cories...and they can be even more enjoyable than the yellow labs.
Thanks again for your reply's. I added three more tigers to my tank. I also added two Bala Shark all is well. Also will be keeping my yellow labs. I enjoy them to much and nice color.

Things have gone from bad to worse with your latest impulse buy. Did you have any idea that Bala Sharks should reach ~40cm, that are schooling fish that need six at the very least, plus they are fast swimmers that are easily spooked and so even as youngsters they need massive tanks?

Your 70 gallon to not even come close to their needs, a suitable of group of these need a massive tank (read indoor pond) of at least 9x3x3 feet.

There are so many types of fish that could fit your 30 and 70g tanks, going from general peaceful communities or specialist setups like a Rift Valley setup, through to a necessary single species setup or even a single fish because of their behaviour. The key is to find out what works together and stock tanks responsibly.
Folks, Yes!! I do know about Bala Sharks these two are just under two inches now. This was not a impulse buy. I have and did keep Bala Sharks back in the 70's in a 70 gal. tank.Had no problem with them. And again this is only Temporary. My 70 gal tank will be ready to going this next week. And for you to say," This is cruel" tell this to your local Aquariums stores. This hobby is not my first RODEO. I'm moving on, This is my set up not yours. It does and has work in the past for my Sharks and myself . I was only looking for one nice looking mate to add to the tiger tank and I get all this. Cheers!!!
Folks, Yes!! I do know about Bala Sharks these two are just under two inches now. This was not a impulse buy. I have and did keep Bala Sharks back in the 70's in a 70 gal. tank.Had no problem with them. And again this is only Temporary. My 70 gal tank will be ready to going this next week. And for you to say," This is cruel" tell this to your local Aquariums stores. This hobby is not my first RODEO. I'm moving on, This is my set up not yours. It does and has work in the past for my Sharks and myself . I was only looking for one nice looking mate to add to the tiger tank and I get all this. Cheers!!!

Amen!! I got crucified for keeping 3 Discus in a 4 foot tank.

They're eating and swimming about just fine. But I'm being 'cruel' by keeping them in a small tank. So is everyone else here!! If they cared so much they'd release all their fish in their natural habitat! Having 4 panes of glass surrounding you is 'inhumane', no matter how big it is.

Some people here are so hypocritical it's frightening.

I'm doing daily water changes in my tanks, I spend hours a week maintaining them. It's your tank, do what you feel is best and enjoy them :)
WOW! your still on here? i thought you left, becuase we gave you good answers and said that a 30 gallon is unsuitable for discus. hmmmm. now why dont you just leave already jay. itll make it better for everyone on here
WOW! your still on here? i thought you left, becuase we gave you good answers and said that a 30 gallon is unsuitable for discus. hmmmm. now why dont you just leave already jay. itll make it better for everyone on here

I keep having a look on here, actually 'answers' isn't accurate, because you didn't answer a single question I asked, just dictated that some things I was doing were wrong.

And secondly, you have absolutely 110% no right whatsoever to tell me to leave, simply because I disagree with what you say, freedom of speech and that :)
Funny when people ask for advice and then go all #105###ty when it's not the answer they wanted.

Why ask in the first place if you know best?

2 x Corys together and then Bala Sharks. Lol.
Please leave the forum.
Lets not turn this thread into another argument and get it locked, arguments seem to happen on every thread on here these days, making me wonder why i'm still here..
I will not continue to give advice to arrogant people who want me to answer their question the way they want me to.
to the OP's question. the fish you have right now are not the best choice for your tank, as those cichlids are very aggressive my experience, and i would recomend gouramis, or a betta as soon as you rehome the cichlids, my uncle use to have those guys and the only fish that ever survived were some cories, the rest all got murdered within a month
Amen!! I got crucified for keeping 3 Discus in a 4 foot tank.

They're eating and swimming about just fine. But I'm being 'cruel' by keeping them in a small tank. So is everyone else here!! If they cared so much they'd release all their fish in their natural habitat! Having 4 panes of glass surrounding you is 'inhumane', no matter how big it is.

Some people here are so hypocritical it's frightening.

I'm doing daily water changes in my tanks, I spend hours a week maintaining them. It's your tank, do what you feel is best and enjoy them :)
Part of domesticatinx any animal, a cat, dox, reptile, fisx, or mammal, is txat you are protectinx txem from txe outside world, xivinx txem food, nutrients, livable environment, at wxat cost? Space. Txey arent xoinx to be able to roam an open river or lake, or explore forests and wxatever suits txeir fancy, but txey will (or sxould) be xiven wxatever txey need to survive. In most cases, survive lonxer txan txey would in txe wild.

Wxat determines minimum tank size, to me, is txeir ability to live in txe tank. if txey can live in txe tank, reacx txeir maximum size, live txeir maximum lifespan, and not xet deformed, or xet picked on by otxer residents, or xet txeir proper nutrients, txen youre not takinx care of txe pet correctly.

Were not spewinx nonsense at you out of inxumane ordeals all txe time. Sure it can be a little ridiculous sometimes. Like txe minimum tank size for a danio beinx 4 feet (wxicx, dont kill me, but I txink is bullcrap, because as said before, you are takin awa space in domesticatinx an animal, and danios can live -past- txeir averaxe lifespan in a 2 foot tank.)

Rexardless, a lot of txese minimum tank sizes, and max/minimum numbers, and all of txese are xere for a reason. In most casts, a xroup of 3 discus wouldnt work. Wxy? because txere arent enouxx discus to disperse txe axxression amonx txe xroup.

Txe sxarks sxould be kept in xroups of 6 in extremely larxe tanks because of wxy? txeir skittisx, bix, fast fisx txat may injure txemselves in small tanks if startled.

Yellow labs sxould be kept in bix xroups witx otxer Malawi cicxlids wxy? Disperse axxression, and bexause txey like a xixxer pX txan otxer fisx.

Ultimately, you are carinx for an animal properly if you xive it proper food, keep it from xettinx sick, keep it from xettinx pixked on or killed, and make it at least somewxat pxysically comfortable. Because youre rixxt, we cant xive our pets all txe space in txe world.

If you refuse to follow txese because you like txe look of a fisx, and wont xive it better environment for its needs wxen your environment is unacceptable, txen you arent properly keepinx a fisx. your fisx is xoinx to xet picked on, itll be uncomfortable in its water, or it wont be able to reacx its full size or lifespan, and it may be more prone to diseases. And txat means txat you are not manaxinx to take proper care of it.
your keeping malawi's in a none brackish tank ? can that even be done without seriously harming the fish ?

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