One Or Two Fabulos Fish For My Tank

How do you expect people to recommend you 'fabulos' fish when the ones you got already are not suitable.
your keeping malawi's in a none brackish tank ? can that even be done without seriously harming the fish ?
txey dont need brackisx water, just xard water witx about 8 pX

are you missing some keys on your laptop ?
Yep, waitinx on a box to redeem my warranty. Letters between F and J, backspace, and apostropxe/quotations are all busted.

sorry to hear that, hope you get it sorted soon.

As for this topic, the OP will learn the hard way. if you want a happy healthy aquarium then you need to research before you buy. loads of free into on the web. Malawi's are really pretty fish but they are very agressive need specific water requirements. they need conditions that mirror their wild surroundings.
Amen!! I got crucified for keeping 3 Discus in a 4 foot tank.

They're eating and swimming about just fine. But I'm being 'cruel' by keeping them in a small tank. So is everyone else here!! If they cared so much they'd release all their fish in their natural habitat! Having 4 panes of glass surrounding you is 'inhumane', no matter how big it is.

Some people here are so hypocritical it's frightening.

I'm doing daily water changes in my tanks, I spend hours a week maintaining them. It's your tank, do what you feel is best and enjoy them :)
Part of domesticating any animal, a cat, dog, reptile, fish, or mammal, is that you are protecting them from the outside world, giving them food, nutrients, livable environment, at what cost? Space. They aren't going to be able to roam an open river or lake, or explore forests and whatever suits their fancy, but they will (or sxould) be given whatever they need to thrive. In most cases, survive longer than they would in the wild.

What determines minimum tank size, to me, is their ability to live in the tank. if they can live in the tank, reach their maximum size, live their maximum lifespan, and not get deformed, or get picked on by other residents, or not getting their proper nutrients, then youre not taking care of the pet correctly.

Were not spewing nonsense at you out of inhumane ordeals all the time. Sure it can be a little ridiculous sometimes. Like the minimum tank size for a danio being 4 feet (which, dont kill me, but I think is bullcrap, because as said before, you are taking away space in domesticating an animal, and danios can live -past- their average lifespan in a 2 foot tank.)

Regardless, a lot of these minimum tank sizes, and max/minimum numbers, and all of these are here for a reason. In most casts, a group of 3 discus wouldnt work. Why? because there arent enough discus to disperse the aggression among the group.

The sharks should be kept in groups of 6 in extremely large tanks because of why? their skittish, big, fast fish that may injure themselves in small tanks if startled.

Yellow labs sxould be kept in big groups with otxer Malawi cichlids why? to Disperse aggression, and because they like a higher ph than other fish.

Ultimately, you are caring for an animal properly if you give it proper food, keep it from getting sick, keep it from getting picked on or killed by tank mates, and make it at least somewhat physically comfortable. Because you're right, we cant give our pets all the space in the world.

If you refuse to follow these because you like the look of a fish, and wont give it better environment for its needs when your environment is unacceptable, then you arent properly keepinx a fish. your fish is going to get picked on, it'll be uncomfortable in its water, or it wont be able to reach its full size or lifespan, and it may be more prone to diseases. And that means that you are not managing to take proper care of it.
i fixed your post for you as it was very well written out, and has many good points :good:
I see what you mean, but in terms of quality, my Discus are very well maintained. The substrate is syphoned daily, as well as the glass cleaned, with a good 15/20% water change of RO and tap water mix. The fish have no trouble when it comes to swimming round and are very sociable with one another. I see your point, but with my experience of fish, someone's you just get ones that completely go against their 'guidelines'. Never came here intending to have an arguement, but at the same time, I didnt come here to be lectured about how much of a bad job I was doing, when that's not the case.

Sorry, back to topic of the thread, those cichlids you have? I had 2 when I was younger and they began to bully my fish after a few days, I took them back. That was my experience, but it may be different for you.
I see what you mean, but in terms of quality, my Discus are very well maintained. The substrate is syphoned daily, as well as the glass cleaned, with a good 15/20% water change of RO and tap water mix. The fish have no trouble when it comes to swimming round and are very sociable with one another. I see your point, but with my experience of fish, someone's you just get ones that completely go against their 'guidelines'. Never came here intending to have an arguement, but at the same time, I didnt come here to be lectured about how much of a bad job I was doing, when that's not the case.

Sorry, back to topic of the thread, those cichlids you have? I had 2 when I was younger and they began to bully my fish after a few days, I took them back. That was my experience, but it may be different for you.
4 footer is fine for discus imo....sounds like a better maintenance routine and set up than i do lol
back on topic, some really good ideas and thoughts being brought up here
While waiting at my lfs to get malawi cichlids yesterday, I witnessed a full-on massacre of a group of panda corydoras. It was incredibly sad. Someone had put them in the wrong tank, and they were all huddled under a rock until I got someone to save the surviving ones.

While I am not one for strict gallon requirement guidelines, there is gross negligence. These people are giving you good advice.

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