One gallon tanks

Sorry but I'm with DrOizo on this one. I've got a betta in a 10gal and I can't see how he'd have room to swim around properly in a tank which is 1/10th of that size (though I've probably just got a hyperactive betta :lol: ). I'm sure they're okay for breeders and experienced fishkeepers, who would be better able to monitor the water quality and conditions, but surely you could get at least a 2-3gal tank with heater and filter for not much extra than a 1gal. I also don't like divided tanks much, but having said that, if i lived in the US I'd want to rescue as many bettas from the awful conditions they're kept in at the fish shops as possible. So anything that gets it out of a cup is cool B)
That doesn't include those novelty picture frame tanks, which aren't big enough for a brine shrimp :lol:
As usual, when it comes to Bettas you gotta go with Wuv....I have that exact 1 gal. aquaclear and it works just fine. I have a little rock formation and that's it. My other is in a 2 gal. hex style tank, I don't see any difference in their behavior, both seem happy, especially when it's feeding time. :lol:

I also keep a male in a ten gallon by himself,he's spoiled because he's an old man....and because he lived in a 29 gallon community for around 6 months, he'd adapted to more space so taking him out and putting him in a 1 gallon would have been quite a change!

But I can honestly that he's lived in the 10 gallon for around 8 months, that he's no more active than my bettas who swim and flare in their 1 & 2.5 gallons. It's the same swim pattern...darting back and forth and flaring at their female neighbors ( :rolleyes: ),up and down along the tank and IMO a 1 gallon has plenty of room for such bettaish activities. He stays in one corner in a dense plant and never really wanders to the other end of the tank. He stays put.

Now another point....all of my bettas in small tanks have superb finnage, not a torn or rotting fin in the lot. The old man on the other hand....shows a bit of wear in his tail :/ It's just a little short from excess swimming due to the height and depth of the tank. I've actually been considering downsizing him to a 5,possibly a 2.5
I'm must agree with many who have posted here about keeping their bettas in one gallon tanks. My betta seems very content in his tank. I've posted before that people have been lying to me about betta behaviour because mine needs Ritalin. He's constantly swimming and flaring, going in and out through the leaves of his plant. I've even mentioned that he acts more like a guppy than a betta.

I'm sure that my quality of care is fine enough to be able to support him in his 1 gallon. I may have made a few mistakes in the beginning, but that's why I'm here. There are many here who have had Bettas who were completely happy in their one gallons or even smaller and some have lived many yrs (for a betta) in those conditions.

I've come for advice, and received excellent guidance which does not include having to change the tank or feeling guilty for having him in his little quarters. I may not be rich but I've got enough money to properly care for my animals and will not be made to feel guilty about it. I know that I can care for my boy as well as I can care for my children... and what new mom hasn't been overly cautious or made mistakes with their babies?
OK. For a start I was not trying to make anyone feel guilty about anything. You asked for people's opinions and I was just saying what I was told when I was getting my betta.

I was not criticising your way of keeping the fish. Given the choice between a 1gal and a 5/10gal, most people would agree that 10 gals are better. That doesn't mean you can't look after a betta in a 1 gal so long as you keep an eye on the water conditions (which obviously you're doing). I know someone who's got a betta in a 3' tank and I don't feel guilty about it.

Being rich has nothing to do with it. I'm a student, I'm not rich, and I know my fish are treated well. I also know people who are absolutely loaded, who treat their fish appallingly. So I don't know where you got that from.

I personally wanted a larger tank as it would make caring for the betta easier (less water changes, easy to heat), and would give me some more options, such as adding tankmates (just got 3 shrimp today :D ) and having lots of plants, driftwood etc. The post is about what people think of 1 gal tanks. I think they're okay, but ideally I'd go for a bigger tank. If you can't or don't want to get a bigger tank then why feel guilty (or start on other people)? Compared to where they've come from a 1gal tank is a nice home. You should feel glad that you've rescued one from the fish store.
I also keep my bettas in small containers, 2 gallons as you can see below in my sig. I was wondering why you use the salt on your betta? I have 6 and have never used salt on any of them. I would think that long periods of time being exposed to the salt would actually hurt your little guy. I think you are doing a fine job, and although some thing that bettas need larger homes, mine all seem happier in their homes they are in now. I have tried them in larger home and they did not seem as happy as when I put them back in their 2 gallon tanks.

As long as you keep up with your water changes, in which I do 100% weekly. As long as your betta seems happy then you are doing a good job. I would do more research on the salt thing, as I have never heard of it used other that if there is sickness in there.

Dear Sheffbetta,

I was absolutely not referring to you. I thought what you said was well said and done in a sensitive manner. There was no feeling of critisism coming from your post at all, please don't think that I was reffering to what you said.

I was speaking about something else that was said which oozed of critisism and contempt to me. I fully accept constructive critisism, and I think that your "critisism" (btw... I really dont' think you were critisising) was done sensibly and in a "teaching" manner. Please accept my sincere appology for making myself unclear about this.

Hi sandyd,

I get some of my info from a place called bettatalk which "specialises"(sp?) in basic betta care. They recommend salt (although there is much success without) and also say that gallon containers are appropriate for bettas as long as they're kept meticulously clean. There is no "Betta Bible" , people raise their bettas differently and sometimes things work for one betta that won't work for another. They are all so very different!
I guess the salt use started from that site and I've just gotten into the habit of using it.

Uh oh... I'm not sure if I just broke a rule here? I didn't provide a url in the hopes that I wasn't breaking a forum rules. If I have, please feel free to delete the name from this post.
No way, you didn't break any rules. I don't think Faith has a forum at bettatalk anyway...does she? :hyper:

J/K, she doesn't. I bought a pair of bettas from her once, they're lovely, but I don't love them any more than I love my wittle Wal-Mart refugees :lol: Actually...the bettas I bought from bettatalk are...a little snooty :sly:

And....I keep the male (a 50.00 fish!) in...drumroll Aquaview one gallon ;)
Wuv....have you ever posted a picture of your $50 Betta? Just curious as to what it looks like and what made it $50....shipping?

yeah Fan, I've shown him off a few times :whistle: , they were actually 80.00 ,20+ in shipping. I paid a total of 106.00 for the pair, so he basically cost me 50 :p
Wuv, you are such a tease....are you going to give me a little more info? What kind is he? What does he look like? Is he a rare color?

I'm trying to convince a lfs that there is a market here for higher priced uncommon bettas.....he said only if he can find a good local breeder that would give him a deal would he consider it.
ooops sorry :lol:

They're orange plakats from IBC champion lines,very lovely...I've yet been able to get a successful spawn out of them though. :rolleyes:

Last week we were so close (dad likes to eat eggs) but he did a fantastic job this last spawn...all the way up until the eggs were hatching :X ,oh well, maybe next time. These two are unlike any bettas I've ever seen,they just can't get it together but they're young still,only 10 months old.

Not sure how much you could get from a lfs with rare or pure strain bettas. I personally had planned on selling the fry on eBay or Aquabid. I couldn't bear to let any babies rot away in my lfs...although my lfs offered to buy some (I laughed at his offer though) :lol: :rolleyes: And if I DID sell them to my lfs, I'd be up there everyday hovering over the staff and running background checks on perspective buyers :lol:

But IMO..breeding veiltails is just not worth it,if you're going to do it, do it spectacular :thumbs: ;) I'm considering purchasing another pair from her, something that's not labeled "difficult to breed" the way the orange one's were. :X :rofl:

How much do you think your lfs would be willing to pay per fish? It may be something worth getting in to :hey: :thumbs:
I have all 4 of my bettas in one gallon bowls. I change 100% of the water every week. My 4 (2 males and 2 females) are happy and healthy. They each have a plant in their bowls for hiding, resting and playing.

I don't think I could be convinced that my guys and gals aren't happy in their 1 gallons.

Just my .02

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