the damp patch in the corner is drying out nicely, i'm thinking another week (or 2) max and i should be able to papper over it. i know you are supposed to wait a year or say but i'm just gona get on with it. i'm gona use what's left of the drying time to get the wall stripped and ready to go, this ment moving the 54"x18"x24" goldie tank away from the wall. after asking on this site ch4rlie came up with the idea of a coaster and jack set. i'll post a few photo's then try and talk through how it went.
the coaster and jack set
i used 4 of the 80ltr boxes from tesco, the 3ft tank i have for another set up and the tank on the wheels is the one i use for water changes
the tank now in the middle of the room
i started by taking off the hood and lights, then siphoned off water into 2 of the 80ltr boxes (to about 3/4 way as they start to bellie at this) without disturbing the gravel. then as the water was siphonoing off into the 3ft tank i removed the plants (which i have in pots) into the 2x80ltr boxes and then moved the fish also, i split them with the 3 big ones in one box and the 4 wee ones in the other. at this point i switched off the filter and air pump.
once the 3ft tank was pretty much full i was left with about 25% of the water still in the big tank, at this point i stopped siphoning. i removed the rocks into one of the empty boxes and the gravel into the other empty box then gave the glass on the inside a good wipe down. the water that was left in the tank was then siphoned off straight into the backgarden. i tane the gravel out the back and gave it a bit of a rinse through just for the hang of it. i left the filter, air pump/hoses etc in situe. now i had to move the tank.
the coaster and jack set comes with 4 wheeled trucks and a hand lever. the coasters have one directional wheels on them, the good thing about this is that aslong as you jack at 90 degree angle to the direction the wheels are facing the tank/unit doesn't scoot off when you jack the second side to put the other trucks under. first you have to slightly lift one side of the tank/unit to get the jack/lever under (2 hands on the unit and foot to shove the lever under) then i placed the trucks right beside the unit where i was going to put them under, down on hands and knees, put all weight on the hand furthest away from the tank/unit on the lever and use the one closest to slide the trucks into place. it was a bit of a tight squeeze to get the front trucks under but i think that is because of the shape of my unit, then same again on the other side. once all 4 trucks were in i pushed very slowly from the back at the bottom of the unit. then it was just a case of getting the 4 trucks back out, lever back under one side, again hand furthest from the tank/unit to work lever, hand closest to pull the trucks out then 2 hands on the unit to lift and foot to kick the lever out, same at the other side.
to refill the tank. i have a small pond pump in the tank i use for water changes, this tank holds enough water for me to do 25% changes, it was also filled previous to my beggining today (as i let my water stand to dechloritnate). set this w/c tank in place and switched on the pump to start filling water into the big tank, as this was running i put a very thin layer of gravel back into the big tank aswell, then i started bailing the water from the 3ft tank into the w/c tank. once i had the water from the 3ft into the w/c tank (pump running all the time) i tane the plants from the boxes with the fish and put them back into the big tank, also switched the air pump back on at this point, then bailed about half the water from the 2x80ltr boxes with the fish in, into the w/c tank also. by this time the big tank is well over half full and i moved the fish back into the big tank, emptied what water was left in the 2x80ltr into the w/c tank and let the pump run till it had moved as much water as poss back into the big tank. end of.............or at least i thought so! a wee while later it dawned on me that i had forgot to switch the filter back on but it's up and running now.
everyone in the tank looks ok, appear to be swimming about fine but my heart is gona be in my mouth till i get up tomorrow morning just incase something has went wrong or it has been to much stress for someone.
this has been a rather long winded post but if any one is unsure on what to do when moving a tank this will hopefully help them.