One Death

Ever gone a whole day, or even a couple, without eating yourself? You may feel like you are about to die..but you won't.

It takes a considerable amount of time for anything to die from not eating. Bodies are designed that way for survivial. It's an even longer time frame for animals...since in the wild they are never sure of their next meal....unlike us.

I highly doubt the fish starved to death. I even doubt it died from high ammonia, from the uneaten food, I mean seriously, come on, have you SEEN the fish at Walmart at any point, or even just the threads concerning them?

Maybe your fishkeeper sprayed some sort of airfreshener or perfume near the tanks and it got in the water or something.
Actually, I have gone without food for a day. That's probably the case, with the spraying of harmful chemicals. But, since all of the food was at the bottom of the tank, wouldn't that mean there would be decay? Could that've killed him?
I highly doubt the fish starved to death. I even doubt it died from high ammonia, from the uneaten food, I mean seriously, come on, have you SEEN the fish at Walmart at any point, or even just the threads concerning them?
Yes, I have seen the thread, but WalMart near us actually does a better job now. Seriously, everytime I go there, the tanks/ cups are clean. Are you saying left over food produces amonia?
Uneaten food produces ammonia as it decays, but there has to be a reason it went uneaten, so I doubt it was the cause of death.
I agree, Valor must have died for some other reason. When my betta's go into the breeding tank, the male does not eat for 5-6 days and works harder than usual during this period ... have not had a betta die because of this.

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