One Death


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Fargo, ND
Such a horrible day! Came home from vacation, the girl who watched them said she had the list memorized, but she didn't! I even left a note on the door specifically what betta needs what care and what to eat, left one by the tanks too. She never looked at them! She fed them all the wrong stuff, causing one of my bettas, Valor to die of starvation! :-( Then to top it off, after I did a water change, Starburst must've jumped! I just checked on him, he regained concious, but is barely breathing. BettaFix, pH decreaser, water change. Man, today just sux! :-(
That's terrible.
I'm very sorry..
Fishsitters. :( Good ones are always hard to find. I hope your remaining crew pulls through.
How long were you gone for??? Bettas can live for quite some time without eating.

I suggest not ever using PH only takes a flake of food to make it spike back up again..which can seriously harm or kill your fish with quickness. If you need to reduce the PH (which with bettas unless it's over 8 you usually don't) just used bottles spring water (Walmart sells it for .54 cents a gallon).

Sorry about your fish, that always sucks.
sorry for your loss :(

But how long were you gone for?!
Only four days! But every single peice of food (8-10 pieces) were on the bottom of Valor's tank!
:( I'm very sorry, you must be so upset with the fish-sitter. I really hope you didn't pay her for that kind of service!

I cannot imagine a Betta dying of starvation from 4 days without food. My Bettas have happily gone 3 days without food, of course they were uber-hungry when I got back but not sick at all. I'd look into other causes of death... how small was his tank? The rotting food could've filled his water with ammonia if he was in a small tank, he could've died from temp fluctuation, lots of things.
That is so horrible! I always hope and pray I don't come home to dead tanks. :-( So sorry for your losses! Although, fish can go a very long time without dying of starvation (when I had to go on vacation, my fish were fed once in two weeks and all were fine, just absolutely angry with me!) There was probably some other problem going on there. I'm still so sorry that happened! :/
:( I'm very sorry, you must be so upset with the fish-sitter. I really hope you didn't pay her for that kind of service!

I cannot imagine a Betta dying of starvation from 4 days without food. My Bettas have happily gone 3 days without food, of course they were uber-hungry when I got back but not sick at all. I'd look into other causes of death... how small was his tank? The rotting food could've filled his water with ammonia if he was in a small tank, he could've died from temp fluctuation, lots of things.
First off, you have to understand Valor is a pig and will act as if he'll die if he misses even one meal. He was in a 1 gallon, 78 degrees. I cleaned the bowl the day I left.
Sorry for your losses, but I have to agree with splashluff... there's no way a betta would die of starvation in 4 days. Fish can do absolutely fine without food for two weeks, if not more, before starving.
Yes, but even though he acts as if he will die if he dosen't eat one day, he only ate like one bloodworm for me, one week before he left, maybe there was something wrong, I dunno though, he looked fine to me when I left.

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