One Dead Ruby Barb, Some Other Fish Swimming Irratically

We don't use any spray chemicals in the house, this is such a strange situation. However i should say that this morning the remaining Angelfish looks back to normal again, as do most of the Odessa barbs. There is just two Odessa barbs displaying symptoms at this point. As treatment has been completed, i'm thinking maybe do a large 50-75% water change? is it long enough after the final dose of Sterazin, or should i wait another day? I am going to my LFS tomorrow to buy fish for another tank, so I'll take a sample of water along to get tested.
Looks like good news then. Maybe the medication has worked. I don't know much about your community of fish but do you think having less has helped in some way?

May as well get it tested there than do nothing when you don't know what has gone wrong. I'm sure if you told them the situation they will do a liquid test. The parameters may be the same but at least you have two sources to confirm.
Yeah, I know my LFS staff well, so I'll take some with me tomorrow and see what they say. I don't think the stock numbers are the issue, I've always kept a high level of stock in there, and there haven't been any problems before. The only deaths i've encountered were when my rainbows developed a taste for Tetras (which seems to have stopped now) and I lost two Bolivian Rams, before i realised how hard the water was here(I'm not a midlands native and didn't really think about it when i moved).
I'm over the moon that my Angel has gone back to being his normal self, It's sad to lose one, but I would have been devastated if my largest angel had died (he's the one in my profile pic). I'm going to keep a close eye on the tank for a few weeks before considering replacing the fish I've lost.

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