On A Trip To Enfield I Found....

Wolf - I completely misunderstood ! I thought you said Wildwoods were the baddies here.
I'm sure many other (like me) skim read - my fault :/

Perhaps it's just me, but perhaps you take any reference to Wildwoods out of the message to avoid potential further confusion.

I thought the same . I read it again it's not actually Wildwoods ???

Perhaps it's just me, but perhaps you take any reference to Wildwoods out of the message to avoid potential further confusion.

done :good:
as i said earlier you lot making a stand and telling the shop isnt going to change him how many customers do you think the owner has do you really think he is going to care if say 50 people from here tell him they are not going to shop in his shop when the majority of you dont shop there anyways. He sells the dyed fish because people buy them and seeing as none of you buy the dyed fish it must seem there is a bigger customer clientell than just tff.net so you are not going to change anything but you will make your self look really stupid and immature if you send text messages to a shop stateing stop selling dyed fish now.
as i said earlier you lot making a stand and telling the shop isnt going to change him how many customers do you think the owner has do you really think he is going to care if say 50 people from here tell him they are not going to shop in his shop when the majority of you dont shop there anyways. He sells the dyed fish because people buy them and seeing as none of you buy the dyed fish it must seem there is a bigger customer clientell than just tff.net so you are not going to change anything but you will make your self look really stupid and immature if you send text messages to a shop stateing stop selling dyed fish now.

As I stated in another topic, I don't think text messages are necessarily going to be the most effective option, but then that wasn't what Wolf suggested, was it?

If you are able to actually go to the shop, then you are a potential customer and losing your custom means money out of his pocket. Much more effective than a text message from someone who might never have come to the shop anyway. Particularly if more than one person does it, and if these people manage to stay calm and sound authoritative, so they're not dismissed as one off loonies. This has actually had effect with lfs in the past, not always, but there is at least a chance.

And I do think you are a little pessimistic in thinking that the people disapproving of dyed fish are necessarily in such a hopeless minority as to be able to change practices. In my area, there is not a single lfs that sells either dyed or mutilated fish. Some of it may be down to caring shop owners, but it also suggests that there genuinely is not a market for it; that the people who are offended by it (=would go elsewhere if they were on sale) have more clout than the people who actively demand them (=would go elsewhere if they were not on sale).
My personal hunch is that very few customers would demand to buy dyed or mutilated fish if they weren't there in the shop, they'd buy something else, so a shop keeper has very little to lose by not stocking them.

Remember the-Wolf is actually running an lfs, so he may have a reasonable idea of what would work.
If shops don't sell dyed fish then cucstomers won't ask - any that may have seen pictures or ask about(eg) fruit tetras can be told about dying & why "good" shops won't sell them. All of the shops I frequent display the PFK dyed fish posters.
I have often poped into shops while passing & walked out without making a purchase if they sell dyed fish, bettas in vases etc - I make a point of tellling them why I'm not buying as I leave.
In this instance a better course might be a note to PFK informing them of a shop in their listings that is selling both dyed & cut fish.
I would just like to really stress that wildwoods is in no way involved in this matter apart from being located in the same area as the offending shop, i too firstly thought the post was implying that wildwoods was selling dyed fish, something i know they would never do.

I have now removed any refference to wildwoods from the original post to prevent any further confusion.
I visited the 'Garden Centre, Fish shop' run today in Enfield, The traffic was horrible.
I skipped Waterworld as I missed the turning (my first time down the strip).
There was one garden centre (named after a colour) that I was not impressed with, Dirty tanks etc.
Wildwoods I like but I do not see what all the fuss is about, Don't get me wrong they are very good indeed but the tropical room was not as big as I had been led to believe.
I might have a look at waterworld next weekend if I get the chance, and the traffic is better.

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