On A Trip To Enfield I Found....


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
a place that sells dyed fish and croped tailed parrot cichlids.
I urge any of you that go to Crewes Hill to drop into this place
and tell them that you'd never shop there.

I hope that if enough people do this they will get the message.

here is the place
The Waterworld Centre
Kingswood Nursery Bullsmoor Lane
Enfield Middlesex EN1 4SF
Tel: (01992 761587)

Me; "why do you sell dyed fish?"
Staff; "becuase the govenor likes them"
Me; "You tell your Govenor that I'll never shop in here again." (note; I never shopped there before but they don't know that :p )
Staff; "I don't blame you sir"

with that I left
That's outrageous - can something not be done, i.e. isn't there some sort of governing body that would intervene?
:grr: good thing I've never made the effort to go out my way (no car) to get there.

Now I know I shouldn't bother. Thanks :)
Hi, there are topics about stopping this and writing to mp, i think we should all text this shop with the number supplied and tell them to stop, i texted them, saying stop selling dyed fish from KENT area.

Lets all make his life missery like he did the fish.
There are always voted one of the best shops by PFK Magazine Readers. I used to go there when I lived in London. Was going to pay them a visit next weekend. Guess not.

Think your all getting a bit out of your shells people and that 1 shop is just one shop in about a mile long road full of aquarium shops such like wildwood maidenhead aquatics the list goes on there is at least 10 aquatic shops in that road but back to the point do you know how stupid and immature you sound saying lets text the shop and make his life hell like he has made the fish well for 1 i dont agree with dying fish but i doubt he has dyed them and cropped the tails his self and the reason the govenor as said sells them is because just that they sell its not the shops fault they meet with the demand of the public. Its them you want to tell the fish keeping hobby is one of the largest hobbies in the world but the people who use this site is about 0.00001% of people who keep fish alot of people are not into it as heavily as us guys they just keep a nice tank with fish in cause it looks good so they will bye dyed fish as they do look good and they no know different or if they do are not really bothered. All the time on here people go on about the inhumane way of dying fish so it doesnt need to be bought up every post and making a shops life crap is just plain childish dont you think.
its not the shops fault they meet with the demand of the public.

that's the whole point; If we a consumers can show this shop and others
that there is a greater customer base that won't purchase from shops that deal in
dyed/mutalated fish; then the shop owners would stop purchasing them from wholesalers,
and they in turn would stop importing/producing them.

The customer has the ultimate power in all aspect of what shops sell.
I have been seeing dyed fish more and more...im a very similar situation i was at whitemoss garden centre near widnes today (north west) and in the aquatic department they had 2 full tanks of dyed tiger barbs, i said to the guy there at the time "dont tell me those fish are dyed!!" and he said "yes..its shockin' isnt it".

This is usually one of my favourite place's to go, and with so many lovely, healthy fish there to buy (including loads of gorgeous un-tampered tigers) i cannot see how they can justify buying them in, and even though the staff dont agree with it...they do! it really is beyond me!
Do you think that a text protest to the shop is imature or a good way to stop this, we could start a name and shame of these stores with numbers and text the store that we do not agree with this
i think its important to make a stand by NOT buying stuff from shops that sell dyed fish. and by letting the shop know what the problem is that you have with their practice ( letter to the manager etc)............a lot of people buy dyed fish through sheer ignorance ie: they dont realise they are dyed or have no idea what the fish go through in the process how cruel it is etc- often when people who were ignorant are made aware they are horrified!
you can change practice if you show some concern about what is happening. if everything in this world that is wrong is just ignored....nothing will ever be changed for the better.
an example: elephant poaching in africa....if no one had ever done / made a stand about it in the 1980's then the chances are that now countries like kenya just would not have any elephants left in the wild.
as an individual you may not have enough clout to get something changed.........but as a group of individuals with the same views you CAN make a difference.
Wolf - I completely misunderstood ! I thought you said Wildwoods were the baddies here.
I'm sure many other (like me) skim read - my fault :/

Perhaps it's just me, but perhaps you take any reference to Wildwoods out of the message to avoid potential further confusion.
Mark, I agree with you. I think you should just explain the situation to the shop, and what they do from there is what they want. Really you can't just tell a shop what to and not to sell, it's up to the owner. Some of you might not like me because of this, but there is no way we will be able to totally stop the sale of dyed fish, the best you could possibly do it just notify the shop owner of the situation. It's the customers that buy the fish, you have to convince the customers, and then the shop owners will realise.

Neal :good:

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