
5steady !!

You removed the part of the article that states " This article may not be reproduced without permission."

You tw@t, lol



i didnt reproduce it... i copied and pasted it :lol:
Folks...please realize that by watching the show not only are you subjecting yourself to cruel and unusual torture, but you're increasing the ratings of it as a direct result of them subjecting those fish to that treatment.

Please...if you really want to make a difference, boycott the show and/or the channel and communicate that intent to them.

dont take this the wrong way but...

shut up your talking crap
OK, THIS is considered FLAMING and what Ron posted makes TOTAL SENSE! By not watching, they make less money in sponsors and that costs the producers, actors, etc. Don't argue unless you understand the argument of you're opponent, because if you don't you don't understand your OWN argument.

Im not going to just stop watching the show due to one of thier mistakes for one.

i enjoy it so im not spiting myself through it.

i said this cos if they took the time to read the thread, they would know we have all complained to them via email.

im not flaming, im being honest, they are talkigncrap, a few ppl off the forum not watching wont make a diffrence on the money they make, so you joined the club, you are now talking crap.

Not going to stop watching, eh? Well, guess what? I don't watch to begin with, and if a few thousand aquarists did the same, you would be surprised how problematic it would be for them.
Folks...please realize that by watching the show not only are you subjecting yourself to cruel and unusual torture, but you're increasing the ratings of it as a direct result of them subjecting those fish to that treatment.

Please...if you really want to make a difference, boycott the show and/or the channel and communicate that intent to them.

dont take this the wrong way but...

shut up your talking crap
OK, THIS is considered FLAMING and what Ron posted makes TOTAL SENSE! By not watching, they make less money in sponsors and that costs the producers, actors, etc. Don't argue unless you understand the argument of you're opponent, because if you don't you don't understand your OWN argument.

Im not going to just stop watching the show due to one of thier mistakes for one.

i enjoy it so im not spiting myself through it.

i said this cos if they took the time to read the thread, they would know we have all complained to them via email.

im not flaming, im being honest, they are talkigncrap, a few ppl off the forum not watching wont make a diffrence on the money they make, so you joined the club, you are now talking crap.

Not going to stop watching, eh? Well, guess what? I don't watch to begin with, and if a few thousand aquarists did the same, you would be surprised how problematic it would be for them.

Ohh yeah, that would dent the millions of veiwers...

get real
to be fair - dont expect the RSPCA to do much, they are worse than useless.

I have heard more than my fair share of how self rightious and up their own behinds they really are in my 11 years of shooting experience
But we were all beginners once. When the fish died most of the group were truly gutted..

Then there rex and nicole who couldn't care less
But we were all beginners once. When the fish died most of the group were truly gutted..

Then there rex and nicole who couldn't care less

But then again I couldnt care less about frogs, and some people do.... :D
But we were all beginners once. When the fish died most of the group were truly gutted..

Then there rex and nicole who couldn't care less

I dont, nor have I ever watched the show - but I cant really blame them for not caring.

I dont think most non-fishkeepers would either really, due to the ignorance that goldfish and bowls seem to naturally go together.

In my own case, I will care for my fish best I can, but it was a choice I made, not one a 'voice' made for me.
I just sent this (and gave a fake name in case they read it out on TV):

Dear Sir,
I do not feel it should be depicted as acceptable on TV to submit animals to such abuse as shown by Channel 4 on the Big Brother television program. The fact that one of the goldfish has just died should perhaps be a wakeup call to the fact that you, Channel 4, are deliberately ignoring the fact that you are abusing, and I would go as far as to say torturing, living animals on live national television.

Goldfish are a member of the carp family of fish and grow up to 30cm (1 foot) long. The fact that you deem it acceptable to keep more than one of these fish in a small plastic box with no filtration whatsoever is inhumane; though, more inhumane still, is the fact that you let Rachel continue to feed the fish vast quantities of food without warning her about the fact that it could lead to the death of the animal/s in question.

No doubt Channel 4 would express concerns if housemates were keeping a puppy in a shoebox and forcefeeding it several kilos of food per day but, as this particular animal is not cute and furry, it obviously has no feelings and therefore deserves to be forced to swim in its own fecaes and be fed rediculous amounts of food so that it is forced to defecate so much that it pollutes the water and leads to its death.

I am shocked and appauled at the way that you, Channel 4, have allowed this animal to be treated and I am also very appauled at the webpage (now removed) which outright mocked the traumatic pain and gross torture this poor creature was subjected to.

You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves.

Regards, a very angered Joshua Burrows.
double post, see above.

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