Omg Omg Omg


Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
ok ok ok this morning, i tossed water into the tank and something smal like __ that big jolted around. On closer inspection, he looks exactly like a little guppy. But I have 2 female and a platy, and a betta (divided) What could he be?
ok ok ok this morning, i tossed water into the tank and something smal like __ that big jolted around. On closer inspection, he looks exactly like a little guppy. But I have 2 female and a platy, and a betta (divided) What could he be?

your guppies will have been pregnant when you got them or they have been carring sperm


Livebearers store sperm for up to six months, allowing them to give birth up to six times every four weeks or so even without the presence of a male. My Molly has been giving birth ever since I got her a while back and I have no males in the tank.
Yup. most people that get livebearers, including myself, don't realize what they have and the fish give birth. Then they figure out they have females only and they get surprised when they give birth again.
Raising fry? They will get eaten in a the main tank. Provide them hiding places will help increase the odds that some survive. You can also put a few of the fry into a net breeder. I wouldn't put too many as they will grow pretty quickly and overcrowd themselves pretty quickly.
with out being mean, if it does die, you will probally have chance to prepear for the next lot of fry.either provide lots of plant hiding space or use a breeding net.congrats on your find tho.
only one is here...that i can find...
for now ima take EVERYTHING out of the tank, then, ima search for him and toss him/her in a cup or sometin...what do they eat? or how can i feed them? Crushed flakes? and I'll put him in a cup for now untill i get the breeders net
only one is here...that i can find...
for now ima take EVERYTHING out of the tank, then, ima search for him and toss him/her in a cup or sometin...what do they eat? or how can i feed them? Crushed flakes? and I'll put him in a cup for now untill i get the breeders net

I just leave mine in the main tank, got loads now :p if you can see him he should e fine in there, i know the guppys dont eat them not sure about the platy leave him in there and lrt nature take its path!
Good Luck whatever you do.
only one is here...that i can find...
for now ima take EVERYTHING out of the tank, then, ima search for him and toss him/her in a cup or sometin...what do they eat? or how can i feed them? Crushed flakes? and I'll put him in a cup for now untill i get the breeders net

They can eat crushed flake food, but that brings them into the open and exposes them to being eaten. I use sinking shrimp pellets. They are a bit messy, but that's why they help feed the fry. They crumble apart and fall between the rocks, allowing the fry to have a food source they don't have to leave the rocks to get.
don't just put him in a cup. get him like a betta bowl or a net breeder atleast. he won't make it long in a cup.
update.......9.........9.......9 friggin little mouths i have to feed now...I isolated them in a 1g jar. There are 9...oh and tomorrow, I'm going to change them into the little net breeder thingie..I know my wal-mart has them...ok so for 9 little mouths, how many flakes? 1 or more? not quite sure...this is actually harder than I thought
If you have a net breeder, you pinch the flakes into fine flakes. What will happen is the fry will eat what they can. The rest will fall to the bottom. The adult fish will suck the food through the net. They're able to do that. Don't worry, your fry will be safe. With nine fry, you might want to get two of the small breeders and sew them together. Your fry will soon tackle full sized flakes, taking small bits off of it at a time. I would say in three weeks or so they will be able to tackle full sized flakes. Note, that's not a full flake each, but you won't have to break it up.

Fry like the same things adult fish do. Give them clean, stable water and you'll be okay. Good luck.

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