Omg, Best Deal In The World!

Don't assume I'm an adult.
I'm a 15 year old girl.
I never said they were cheap. I only said they were $50.
If you can't provide for your fish... why did you buy more?
Maybe instead of buying more fish and potentially overstocking your tank, you should buy things to combat algae.
I don't think it's really necessary to say that you need a UV system just to care for your fish, if that's what you meant, because algae doesn't really 'dirty' the water, it just makes it look unsanitary.
I don't think it's really necessary to say that you need a UV system just to care for your fish, if that's what you meant, because algae doesn't really 'dirty' the water, it just makes it look unsanitary.

That's not what I was saying.
A UV sterilizer can help with certain types of algae.
You don't need one to care for your tank.

Sorry for being sort of unclear.
I can afford to take care of there needs, but barely, and i cant afford to keep a tank clear of algea for cosmetic reasons. Cure, i can scrub, and do thingsa to lesson the amount, but buy expensive things, or get chemicals to kill it off, no way! I have not over stocked my tanks yet ( as far as im aware), and ahvent done that in prob 2 years. And, i dont keep "buying fish". That is prob the first fish i've bought in the last month. Usually, if i get fish, its store credit, and i get something that is within reason to my tanks stocking, or i've always wanted to keep. Whats 59 cents ( with out the 25% discount) going to do to saving up? I too assumed that you were a old man =]
lol, i cant help that algea. I cant keep a pleco in there, and the tank faces a window, so in comes the sun, an dthne the algea grows. I dont want to use chemicals though. I do use a algea pad. If you have any suggestions on a small algea eater, let me know!

As some one else has mentioned ottos are great !! i put 6 in my 112L tank and they cleaned it a treat within a few days,

one thing that may help but is also down to circumstances too.....

My 165L is in my bedroom which faces the sun from 11am all the way through the day and till it gets dark, i used to have such a problem with algea id clean it off the glass and within 2 days it would be back and messy as ever (as in cant see into the tank), the sand was no longer sand but again covered in green algea like a carpet.

the tank has always had plants in it (aprox 8) the plants are great growers and need trimmed ever week, i cant remember the names of the plants tho, also one coconut cave with java moss on it, 2 moss balls and 8x ottos, and yet the tank still covered in algea within 2 / 3 days but now not a problem !!!!

What i did..... Close the curtains lol, i have now got my curtains closed 24/7, yeah it does make my room darker but hey if i need more light i can turn my light on, and it is helping me and the fish, now with the curtains closed it doesnt get so hot in my room (in summer and last few sunny days us brits have had recently) my room temp has been close to 38c (100 F) when i left the curtain open by accident.

so now i have a cool room the fish tank doesnt get so warm too and no more algea !!! all because i closed my curtains. again it does depend on circumsances as if your tank is in the front room / living area for the family they may not want the curtains closed all the time but it has worked for me and my fish, and if possible may work for you tool
hope this is a little help to you.

^ thanks, tghats actually a great idea, and yes the tank is in my room, but i seriously dont ahve any cutrains, me and my bro didnt want any, and last time we had some we actually ripped them up playing around in our room!
^ thanks, tghats actually a great idea, and yes the tank is in my room, but i seriously dont ahve any cutrains, me and my bro didnt want any, and last time we had some we actually ripped them up playing around in our room!

having the tank in your room is a good help in this case as if you like most of us have just enough money to cover and no savings to buffer or to use i emergencies and your parents are allowing to you be responsible and leaving the complete care of the fish under your responsability which means (as my parents did) theyre your fish your responsability your money not ours (saying that my parens didnt have the money even if they wanted to give to me for things) , your parents leaving you with the responsability of looking after your fish is good but can be annoying at times when really in need some cash for things.

if it is a case of your fish your money not ours instead of asking for equiptment for your tank you could try asking for some curtins for you and your room as parrents wont be thinking that the fish want or need curtains lol. could be that the sun is too bright for you etc etc etc.... this way yes its for your fish but can be requested as being for you, i little fib in a way but has a good outcome for all.

^ im in that situation, with 6 kids, 1 in college, 1 going into college, high gas prices, and other kids just bieng kids, my parents just plain dont have the money to give me, so if i want it, i provide it, or no deal. I will see aboutt he curtains, in all honesty, the algea dosent bother me too much ( this tank has always been prone to algea, but thats cuz its always been by a window), unless its blocking a part and i cant see the fish, but i'll defo see about curtains. To help cover costs and stuff, when its Christmas and my birthday, i ask for girtcards to what ever petstore i like and spend the money there, or there is NO way i'll be able to cover cost of my fish tanks.
Don't assume I'm an adult.
I'm a 15 year old girl.
I never said they were cheap. I only said they were $50.
If you can't provide for your fish... why did you buy more?
Maybe instead of buying more fish and potentially overstocking your tank, you should buy things to combat algae.
Truly, a UV steralizer is not a need. It'd be a great help, but just because you don't have one doesn't mean you can provide for your fish.

Anyhow, chemicals like Algae Destroyer aren't truely that expensive. As far as I'm concerned, Algea Destroying chemicals cost about the same as water dechlorinater, possibly slightly more at the most.

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